Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Why Do We Make it So Hard?: Daily Devotions for the Easter Season - Acts 15:12-21 - April 25, 2018

Why Do We Make It So Hard?
Acts 15:12-21 
Key Verse: “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God (Acts 15:19 NIV)
Jesus said, that we are to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Earlier in this same chapter Peter said that it is through faith in Jesus Christ we are saved. So then why do we try to make it so hard. Believe in Jesus and then live out that belief by living a life that is marked by loving God and loving others. Sure it is deeper and wider than that, but that is the sum of it. Love God, Love Jesus, love the people in the world around us. We make lists of rules, rules with lists. We work to live by them, check all the boxes, so others can see how Holy we are. We hold others to these same standards, ask them to jump through the difficult hoops we have made for ourselves. We are struggling they should struggle too. Yes, living as Christ called us to live is sometimes a difficult road to walk, so then why do we try to make it harder? Why do we add to what Jesus said? To what the the council of the early Church agreed is the basis of what marks a life lived in Christ. Believe in Jesus Christ, love God, love Jesus and love those around us. Start there, see where it leads. What happens when we love everyone the same way we love God? What if we all treated each person we encountered as if they were Jesus. I think that is hard enough. And would radically change the way we all lived our lives.

Lord, why do I make what you have made simple so hard? Why do take you have made clear so hard to see? Show me your love. Help me to live in your love, and learn daily what it truly means to love you in return. Help me to then take that love into the place I go, to the people I see, share it with those around me. Help me to love Jesus, to love you and to love all those around me. Amen

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