Monday, April 9, 2018

When Trouble Arises: Daily Devotions for the Easter Season - Acts 6:1-7

When Trouble Arises
Acts 6:1-7 

Key Verse: “But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food (6:1 NLT).”

It is easy to idealize the early church. To focus on verses about how they were all in one accord, while not seeing verses, like this one, that speak of discord among believers. When we do this, it becomes easy to be discouraged when we find that we are not always “in one accord” with other Christians, or within a congregation. Christians are people and sometimes people have trouble getting along. In this situation, it is that one group felt they were being over looked, but the problem can be almost anything. There are times when we have disputes among ourselves. Even people who generally get along and like each other very much argue and fuss from time to time. What is important is that we do not get stuck in that place, but that when we see a problem arising, when we realize that we are fussing and arguing that we prayerfully work to resolve our differences, to find a solution to the problems we have with one another. When we fight and argue we are to seek God's guidance and God's leading so that we can be the people of God we are called to be.

Lord, help me to not see conflict as a failing. Instead, when I am having a problem with someone in the Church or another Christian let me seek to reconcil with that person. Help me to come to you in prayer for guidance, so that the words that are said are good and kind and so that the resolution that is made will be Spirit filled. Let me never allow the disputes and the squabbles I have with other Christians hinder my witness or the witness of your Church in the world. Amen

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