Monday, April 16, 2018

Changed: Daily Devotions for the Easter Season - Acts 9:19b-22

Acts 9:19b-22 
Key Verse: “All those who heard him were astonished and asked, 'Isn’t he the man who raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name? And hasn’t he come here to take them as prisoners to the chief priests?'”

Saul had a radical encounter with Jesus Christ, it completely changed who he was. Our faith in Jesus Christ changes everything. It changes what we say, what we do, and how we act. We become people who reflect the love, grace and mercy of Jesus to the world around us. We all become ambassadors for Christ in our neighborhoods and communities. Who we were before hardly matters, what matters now is who we are. How we treat people today, the words we use the attitudes we present, today, is what people will see. Because we are believers, our lives should be as completely changed as that of Saul. People who see us should see Christ. When we speak they should hear the words of Christ. When they encounter us they should encounter the love of Christ. When we interact with them, it should be as if they have spent time with Christ, because Jesus lives in us. Let us cast off who we once were as cleanly as Saul and become new people reflecting Jesus in all things at all times.

Let me be changed. Let the people who see me see you in me. Let those to whom I speak hear your voice in all I say. Let it be as if those I touch were touch by you, Lord Jesus. Let your living in me be who people encounter when they encounter me. Your kindness, your grace, your forgiveness, your love, lived out in me each day. This is my desire for today and everyday. Please guide me and direct me, to make this so. Amen

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