Tuesday, April 3, 2018

After We Fail: Daily Devotions for the Easter Season - April 3, 2018

After We Fail
John 21:15-19
Again Jesus said, 'Simon son of John, do you love me?' He answered, 'Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.' Jesus said, 'Take care of my sheep.' (21:16 NIV)”

Peter loved Jesus. Jesus knew this. Perhaps after what had happened, Peter needed to remember that he loved Jesus. Peter had messed up big time. When push came to shove, Peter had denied even knowing Jesus. Most of us would never go so far as to say that we don't even know Jesus, but we have all fallen short of who Jesus is calling us to be. We have all lashed out in anger and frustration, at a spouse, a friend, a colleague. There are times throughout when we have not been entirely Christlike. Our actions have not reflected Christ's love; our words have not displayed Christ's compassion; our responses to others have not been filled with Christ's patience, grace or kindness. In those moments we are denying Christ, living within us. We, like Peter, need to be reminded that we still love Jesus, and Jesus still loves us. After such times, the best way to move forward is to continue to feed Jesus's sheep; to keep trying to follow the example of the good and loving shepherd, in all we do and say, to keep working at being who God is calling us to be.

Lord God, there are times when I am all too much like Peter. 
I deny you in my actions, in my words, in my responses to the world around me. 
I are not always as Christlike as I know I should be, I could be. 
Remind me that my failings do not define me, that my failings do not negate my love and devotion to you. 
Help me to always come back to you, to run to you, even when I know I have failed at being who you want me to be. 
I love you.

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