Wednesday, April 18, 2018

What People Say: Daily Devotions for the Easter Season - April 18, 2018

What People Say
Acts 9:36-43 
Key Verse: “In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor (Acts 9:36 NIV).”

That is Janine, she is the nicest person you will ever meet.” I was a new Mom in a mom's group and the lady across from me was pointing out the other Mom's in the group and telling me about each of them. As soon as she described Janine, I thought, “That is is the kind of thing I would want someone to say about me.” Here were hear about Tabitha, “she was always doing good and helping the poor.” That is also not a bad thing for someone to say about a person. What would someone say about me? Who do people say I am? When you are describing me to others. Who do I want to be? What kind of Christian witness do I give people? What do they say about me, what does that say about Jesus Christ? With my words and actions am I telling a true story about who Jesus is? Am I the nicest Christian, others in my life have met? Who am I to them? Am I the most forgiving, most loving, most kind? Or do they say something else about me that would speak less about who Jesus is.

Lord, Jesus what do the things I do and say to the people around me, say about you. I want to tell a true story with my words, and with my actions. Help me to show people who you are in all that I do. Guide me in all that I do, so that the things they say about me reflect well upon who you are. I want to be a person whom people speak well of, so that when they know I am a Christian it will speak well of who you are and how you work in the lives of your followers. Help me to be a good witness to the people in my life. Amen

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