Friday, April 20, 2018

Going Instead of Puzzling: Daily Devotions for the Easter Season - Acts 10:17-23a - April 20, 2018

Going instead of Puzzling
Acts 10:17-23a
Key Verse: “Meanwhile, as Peter was puzzling over the vision, the Holy Spirit said to him, 'Three men have come looking for you. Get up, go downstairs, and go with them without hesitation. Don’t worry, for I have sent them (Acts 10:19-20 NLT).'”

Jesus sent out the disciple two by two, before he left to be with the Father, he told them to go. “Go into all the world.” Sometimes, all we want is to stay and ponder and puzzle through what God is teaching us. But God is sending us out into the world to go, be and make disciples. It feels safer to stay and puzzle. It is easier to read our Bibles and ponder our relationship with God, but God is continually sending us out, forcing us into action. We might want to hold back to wait and figure things out but most of the time obedience means learning and growing on the fly, while we are out being disciples in the world. It would be easier if everything could be learned in a Bible Study or from a sermon, but so much of what it means to be a disciple; a child of God, is learned by being and doing. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is a way of living that requires us to go, to be with people, among people, in relationship with people. So, “get up, go downstairs, and go without hesitation.”

God it is easy to sit, to ponder and to puzzle over what it is you are calling me to do. It is always easier to think about than it is to go. Help me to go, even if all I want to do is stay. Help me to not only learn with my brain to be the Christian you are calling me to be but also help me move and do the things you are calling me to do. Help me to see the world around me, the people in my life and desire to get to know them. To be their friend, so that in me they can see you, so that through me they can become friends with you Amen


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