Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 77


Psalm 77:1-20

Key Verse: 1-2

“I cry out loud to God—out loud to God so that he can hear me! During the day when I’m in trouble I look for my Lord. At night my hands are still outstretched and don’t grow numb; my whole being refuses to be comforted.” CEB

When I am hurting, when I am struggling, when the injustice, the pain, the chaos of the world around me is more than I can bear, I turn to God. I cry, I weep, I wail, I rage, I scream. And yet the injustice continues, the pain, still hurts, the struggle remains real and in the midst of the storm I cannot find peace. There is no comfort.

It all goes on, and on and on. We cry out with the Psalmist, “Will my Lord reject me forever? Will he never be pleased again? Has his faithful love come to a complete end? Is his promise over for future generations? Has God forgotten how to be gracious? Has he angrily stopped up his compassion?” (vs 7-9). We want to cry out with Jesus (quoting another Psalm), “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” Where is God? Where is God’s graciousness, and compassion? Why is there no relief for me, and for all those who suffer?

It is hard to remember the goodness of God, when we are surrounded by the pain and suffering which so often fills our lives. It is hard to see the hand of God at work when the world seems to be flooded with injustice. Yet God is at work. God is always at work, bringing redemption to the darkest places and bringing order to the chaos created by sin and evil in this world.

Even in amidst the flood we can trust that God is at work. Even when we feel unheard, we can know God hears. Do not give up, do not ever believe God has abandoned the work of salvation at work in this world.


Things to Think on

Do you feel as if God hears you when you cry out?

Have you ever grown weary calling out to God?

Is it hard to trust God when you see the death, the pain, the suffering, the injustice, the chaos in the world around you?

Can you recount the times when God’s faithfulness, goodness, and compassion have been see in your life or in the lives of those around you?

Even in your pain, can you give praise to God for the things God has done, and trust that, even now, God is at work to bring redemption to the pain and suffering that is currently going on?

A Prayer for Today

Lord, you are God, forever and for always. I see the suffering. I see evil at work. I hurt. I am frightened. I know the chaos sin brings into this world. Every day, I call out to you. I lay all the burdens me at your feet. I give you the pain, the suffering, the hurt, the injustice. But it all goes on and on. Help me to trust you even when I do not see you at work. I have seen you at work in the past. Help me to look to your great deeds, so I can give you praise even now when I feel unheard and I do not see my prayers being answered. Amen

Monday, March 29, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 75


Psalm 75:1-10

Key Verse: 1

“We thank you, O God! We give thanks because you are near. People everywhere tell of your wonderful deeds.” NLT

This is the week in which we take time to truly think and ponder on all that the Lord has done. We are truly thankful for all the ways Jesus was obedient to God in all things. In Jesus the life, death and resurrection of of Christ, God draws near to all humanity.  As we ponder the last week of Christ’s life we are not only remembering but proclaiming the wonderful deeds of Christ in our world.

Remembering all that Christ did through the course of his final week here on earth, is a way of taking the event of Jesus’ life seriously. Jesus moved toward the cross obediently, trusting God in all things. When we remember the great and mighty things the Lord God has done, allows us to better recognize the ways God moves in and through our lives, so that we too can respond, as Christ did, in trusting obedience. Let us as we move with Christ toward his cross, seek out ways we too can speak of the wonderful deed of God, not only in the life of Christ but in our lives. Let us use Christ’s example and be ready to follow God to all the places God might lead. Let us trust, let us obey and let us see the great and mighty ways God’s redemption is always at work even when the events of our lives seem to be the bleakest or most terrible. God is able to bring redemption to all things, just as God brought redemption through the life and death of Christ.  


Things to Think on

Take time today to pay attention to the things God has done and is doing in your life.

How does remembering the ways God has worked move you toward obedience?

What are the events of the last week of Jesus’ life?  In what ways was Jesus faithful to God in his final days?

In what ways do the final actions of Jesus help move you to obedience?

In what ways can you tell of God’s wonderful deeds through Christ today and throughout the rest of this week.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, as I remember who Christ is and what he has done for me, let me sense your nearness in my life this week. Draw close to me, as I draw close to you. Help me to not only remember, but throughout this week, proclaim the goodness and redemption of Christ in all I do, and in all I say. Help me to move in obedience and trust as Christ did. Amen