Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Dirt : Daily Devotions for the Easter Season - Acts 6:8-15

Acts 6:8-15 
Key Verse: “None of them could stand against the wisdom and the Spirit with which Stephen spoke. (6:10 NLT).”
If someone tried, what kind of “dirt” could they dig up on you? What do your daily actions, the things you say to your friends, family, co-workers say about who you are? What do that say about the God you worship? Even when people were looking for something to hold against Stephen they could find nothing. Nothing he said implicated him or his God. The only thing they could say about him was that he was a man of integrity, in whose words people only found wisdom and whose actions showed that he was continually guided by the Spirit. When it comes to big things this is easy, but in small things, the little things we say to those closest to us, our actions with those we work and live, it is the hardest. As followers of Christ it is our hope that our actions and words give this kind of testimony, that if someone was looking for something to hold against us, that they would have to rely on falsehoods in order to bring anything against us. Each day, we should work to allow our actions and our words indite as as people of wisdom and the Spirit.
Lord, I pray, in all things that I may be found to be a person of integrity. Help me to seek you in all parts of my life. Guide the all words of my mouth, whether spoken publicly or to those who live in my home, that they may speak of your wisdom in all things. May your Spirit guide my actions, may everything I do and do not do speak of who you are at all times. May my words and my actions reflect your character each and every day. Amen

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