Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Manna for Today: Pslam 28

Psalm 28:1-9
Key Verses: 28:9
“Come save us and bless us. Be our shepherd and always carry us in your arms.” CEV

This Psalm begins by asking God to hear us when we cry out and ends with a plea for God to save us, to bless us and to carry us as a shepherd carries a sheep in need of care. God is our rock, and thankfully, God is not unhearing as a rock. When we are weak and vunerable, God is our strength our stability, God gives us the power we need to endure the hardships which come into our lives and to overcome the obstacles which stand in our way of being the people God is calling us to be. When we feel over whelmed or as if the situations in our lives will overcome us, when our faith wavers because the difficulties all around see to be too much, God is our shepherd, lifting us up, tending to our needs, mending our wounds and carrying us through. Trust God at all times to be who God is.  

Thing to Think on 
The Psalmist cries out for mercy, what is your plea to God this morning?
What would it look like for God to be your strength and your shield? In what ways can God help you be strong and from what do you feel you need to be protected?
If you were to sing a song of praise to God today what song would you sing?
Sing that song to God this morning.

A Prayer for Today
Lord, life is hard. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and today feels too hard to face. The future ahead of me seems bleak and I need the strength to get up and face the day. When life it difficult, when I am struggling, hear my prayers, listen to my pleas. Help me to see your hand in my life, help me to feel your arm around me, lifting me up and carrying me through. I trust you to be the good shepherd to who tends to me needs and mends my wounds. Help me to sing your praise today and everyday. - Amen

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