Monday, April 6, 2020

Manna For Today: Psalm 6

Psalm 6:1-10
Key Verse: 6:6-7
“I am weary with my moaning; every night I flood my bed with tears; I drench my couch with my weeping. My eyes waste away because of grief; they grow weak because of all my foes.” ESV

There are so many emotions each of us have right now, overwhelmed, saddened, frightened, lonely, frustrated, to name just a few. We have lost so much in such a short amount of time. So many things we took for granted, visiting with friends, hugging our relatives, going to a restaurant, allowing our children to play with friends. . . at the park, and of course worshiping with others in sanctuaries. So many mundane things not withheld from us. So many everyday things we now long to do. And our hearts hurt with the loss. We are frustrated and angry with the new expectations. It is all too much.
In the end each of us want the same thing, we want the “workers of evil” to depart from us, from our loved ones, from our communities, from the world. We want to say with confidence along with the Psalmist, the Lord has heard my plea. We can have confidence that the Lord hears the prayers the world over. Let us continue to call out to God, and know God hears our prayers. God is listening and hurts with us.

Thing to Think on
What troubles you today?
What are the things you are missing right now?
Make a list of these things.
In what ways do you want God to be gracious or have mercy to you today?
Tell God what grieves you today.

A Prayer for Today
Lord God. My heart aches with in me. I miss hugs. I miss greeting a friend kindly. I miss seeing children in the park and petting the neighbor’s dog. It is hard to live a world where a trip to the store, feel dangerous, as well passing someone else too closely on the sidewalk. I cry out to you, today, in my grief, in my despair. Hear my cries! See my hurt, see my pain and be gracious to me today. Help me to hear your voice, to know you are listening. Help me to feel your comfort and your care. Help me to rest assured in your presence at this time, at all times.  - Amen

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