Psalm 20:1-9
Key Verses: 20:7
“Some people trust the
power of chariots or horses, but we trust you, Lord God.” CEV
At times when life is
difficult, when we are struggling to make it through, it is easy to seek assurance
in many different places. Different people will seek comfort in different
places. Some will seek out the counsel of the people around them. One person
might find the assurance they need in reading, in gaining knowledge. Some
people will bake or clean, or immerse themselves in some other activity, others
tend to eat. There are almost as many things to which we might turn to find
solace and assurance as there are people. None of these things are bad in of
themselves, and can be helpful but when we put our trust in these things
instead of trusting God, we will find none
of these things will be able to give us what we really need. It is easy to put
our trust in things which are not only not worthy of our trust, and cannot
provide what we are looking for. When we find ourselves struggling it is God in
whom we should trust. It is only God who can provide the comfort, the
assurance, the solace, the support we need in these times. Anything else to which
we might turn will fail us, will let us down.
Thing to Think on
This Psalm is spoken as a blessing. When was the
last time someone spoke a blessing over you?
What kind of blessing would you want spoken over
Write a blessing such as this one over someone
else today.
Where do you turn when you are struggling? What
is it that you do to help you find support, assurance or comfort?
What would it mean for you to trust God instead
of trusting the things to which you would normally turn.
A Prayer for Today
God I know you are God. I know you hold all things in your hands. You
created the world and all that is in it. I know it is you who I can trust in
all things. Sometimes it is easy to seek out other things to give me the
assurance I feel that I need. I try to fill the emptiness I sometimes fill with
all kind of things that are not you. Help me instead to trust you. To turn to
you in all things at all times. - Amen
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