Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Manna for Today: Psalm 5

Psalm 5:1-12
Key Verse: 5:11-12
“Let all who run to you for protection always sing joyful songs. Provide shelter for those who truly love you and let them rejoice. Our Lord, you bless those who live right, and you shield them with your kindness.” CEV
Listen! Pay attention! This is the plea of a child who wants an adult’s attention. They are also the words which open this Psalm. Listen to us! Pay Attention to us! It feels as if God does no hear us. We cry out but it seems our prayers are not being answered. We are running to God for protection. We are seeking to find the protection of God. Even as we cry out, even as we run toward God, we do so with joyful song, rejoicing because we know because God loves us with an unfailing love, which never falters or fades away. God surrounds us, even in our fear. God is with us even in our loneliness. Even when our bodies fail us or we are weakened with sickness, we can rejoice, because God is our shelter, our dwelling place. God is with us in and through it all, even when we feel we are not being heard, even when it seems our pleas rise up to the ceiling and then fall again, without making it to the Lord. God still hear. God is listening and we can rejoice in God’s love, and find comforts in knowing that in all things God is with us.

Thing to Think on
In this Psalm the psalmist asks for his enemies mouths to be graves and their tongues flatten so they cannot speak out against him, what would you want to happen to that which comes against you, causes you pain, or brings heartache into your life?
How is God a shelter for you? How is God your shield today?
What does rejoicing look like for you right now?
What kinds of things would you include in your joyful song?

A Prayer for Today
Lord, you are hear with me. I call out to you. I tell you all about the things which bother me, I tell you my fears and my concerns. Sometimes it feels like my prayers go unheard. It seems to me that you are distracted and do not hear me. Help me to trust that your ear is always turned in my direction. Help me to rejoice even as I am running to you with my hurt and pain. Help me to sing for joy in your protection even before I see evidence of it in my lift. Help me to give you the praise even as I am calling out to you.  - Amen

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