Friday, May 4, 2018

God at Work: Daily Devotions for the Easter Season - May 4, 2018

Acts 23:12-22, God at Work
Key Verse: But when the son of Paul’s sister heard of this plot, he went into the barracks and told Paul (Acts 23:16 NIV).”

Paul had no idea what was going on. The son of Paul's sister overheard something and was able to help thwart a plot against Paul's life. This is the hand of God quietly at work in Paul's life. God is always at work, even when we find it hard to see it. Sometimes we never see what it is that God is doing until we look back. Even when we are unable to determine how God is working in our life, we know that God is. When we look back at our day, when we look back on seasons past we can always see the hand of God in our lives, the fingerprints, that God leaves behind. The footprints that show us where God has been. Stopping and looking back, paying attention to how God has worked in our lives, how God has given us strength, guided us, protected us, shown us what to do, what to say, is a key part of understanding how God has moves in this world. Especially when we find it difficult to see God, we should take the time to look back and find where God has been.

Lord, God sometimes it is hard to see you. It is hard to see that you are there. Help me to look back, to see your footprints after the fact; see how your hand has been at work in my life. Help me to trust your presence even when I am having difficulty feeling it or seeing it. Give me assurance of your work in my life at all times in all things. Amen

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