Friday, January 22, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 73


Psalm 73:1-28

Key Verses: 21-23

“Once I was bitter and brokenhearted. I was stupid and ignorant, and I treated you as a wild animal would. But I never really left you, and you hold my right hand.” CEV

It is so hard to look around at the world and see that evil people prosper. So many people who do cruel unjust things, not only get away with doing them, but they prosper while doing so. It seems their lives are better, and easier than mine. It is easy to see the injustice and hatred all around and become broken hearted. And in our anger, in our bitterness, in our frustration, take it out on God. When we see the evil and corruption all around it would be easy to say, “God does not see.” “God does not care.” “God does not move.” But in our anger, in our frustration, in our pain, let us not turn away from God. Even as we yell at God, even as we hurl our insults at God for God’s inability to do the things God should be doing, let us continue to hold on to God’s hand, because God will not let go of ours. Even as we come to God with our anger, our frustration, our hurt and our pain, and hurl all that at God, accusing God of being blind, incapable of moving, or asleep at the wheel, God will not let go of our hand. When we are frustrated with the evil all around hold on to God’s hand, as God continue to hold ours; giving us the strength, peace, and assurance which can only come from God.


Things to Think on

The Psalmist speaks of almost stumbling and almost falling, in what ways have you almost stumble and fallen recently?

When you look around, how are your frustrated, angered, or dismayed by the things you see?

What does it mean to you to know God is holding your hand through it all?


A Prayer for Today

God, it is not fair. It is not right. So much of what goes on in the world around me is not as it should be. People are sick, people are dying. People are hurting, are angry. Unjust people, just keep on being unjust. Evil people seem to be prevailing. Their hatred infects the world around me. I don’t know what to do. I cry out to you until my voice is hoarse but it all keeps on going on. There is so much darkness, I am unsure if I will ever see the light again. Yet I hold on to your hand. I cling on to your hand. Thank you for not letting me go. Even when I rail at you, even when I am frustrated with you, help me to trust you through it all. Never let me go – Amen


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