Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 65


Psalm 65:1-13

Key Verses: 2-3

You listen to prayer—and all living things come to you. When wrongdoings become too much for me, you forgive our sins.

“You listen to prayer.” When you speak, God listens. What a profound thing to think, “God listens to me.” The God who spoke and creation came into being. The God who set the universe in motion, and gave breath to all humanity, listens when I speak. Why would God even pay attention to me, to any of us? However, God does. Even as we fail, even as we muck things up over and over again, we can go to God with our concerns, our hurts, our pains. It is never too much for God. God does not become annoyed with us.

Even when we fail, repeatedly, we can come to God in our failings, in spite of our failings, because of our failings and when the weight, the burden, of our wrongdoings is so great that it is too much for us to bear, it is not too much for God to forgive. God forgives and forgives and forgives. As many times as we get it wrong, if we come to God, whenever we come to God, seeking to set things right, God sets them right.  No matter what, every time; God sees; God hears; God listens; God forgives.

Things to Think on

 What does it mean to you to know God listens to you prayer?

Have you ever wondered if God gets annoyed with the way we continually expect God to pay attention to the things, which matter, to us?

Have your wrong doings, your failings ever been too much for you? What did that feel like?

Have you ever thought that your failings, your wrongdoings, your sin was too much for God?

A Prayer for Today

God, I come to you so much. I come to you with the trivialities of my small existence. I ask you over and over again to reform me, to help me to do better, to be the person you want me to be, the person I should be. I fail in so many ways, all the time. I am never you I believe you to want me to be. Sometimes I think it must be too much. I am not the Christian, the person you are calling me to be. Thank you for not giving up on me, for restoring me each and every time. Help me to never take your forgiveness for granted, yet always stand in awe of your love and your mercy and yet continue to seek it every day.  – Amen


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