Thursday, January 7, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 67


Psalm 67:1-7

Key Verse: 1

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us,” NRSV

The first verse of the Psalm mirrors the beginning of a common benediction, which comes from Numbers 6: 24-26.  The first time I heard it was at my high school baccalaureate. It must have been given by the Episcopal priest, because I associated it with Episcopalians before I came to realize that it was a passage of scripture, which he prayed over us and with which he sent us out into the world. For some reason the imagery of this benediction has captivated me my whole life since. I love the idea of God’s face shining down one me like the rays of the sun. When I lift my face to the sun I can feel God’s guidance and know the paths down which God is leading me.  The priest prayed this over us, sending us out into the world with God’s  light shining us, illuminating our paths, giving us God’s peace and assurance that as long as we walked down the path on which God took us, we were headed in the right direction. When I feel lost, when I feel I have lost the way. I lift my face to the sun, and know God’s face is shining on me and I open my eyes to the God’s way, that it might be revealed to me and walk with assurance and peace in the ways God illuminates for me.

Things to Think on

What does it mean to you to know God’s face is shining upon you?

Can you feel the warmth of God’s guidance today? If you don’t can you ask God to make God’s face shine upon you so that you may see God’s way today?

What are the things which help you see God’s path in your life? For me it is lifting my face to the sun. What do you do, what can you do to help you focus on God, God’s ways and the light God is giving to you to reveal to you the way God’s path goes?

Look for God’s way(s) in your life, today.  Find the ways God is gently leading you and revealing to you where you should go and what you should do.


A Prayer for Today

Today I look to the sun, I lift my face to its light, feel the warmth of its rays. Shine you face upon me this morning, like the sun on a bright day. Let your way be made clear before me. In the same way the light of the Sun reveals all to me the way along the street, may you light the ways I should go today. So that I can be a person who walks in your ways; who lives out your character; who goes where you would go; who does what you would do, and who speaks as you would speak in all the places I am today, with all the people I with whom interact today. – Amen

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