Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 71


Psalm 71:1-24

Key Verses: 14-15

“I will never give up hope or stop praising you. All day long I will tell the wonderful things you do to save your people. But you have done much more than I could possibly know.” CEV

Even when the darkness is great, I will never give up hope! Even when the chaos seems to rule, I will not give up hope!  Even when I am lost in the confusion, I will not give up hope! Even when it seems, the people of God have also turned away, put their hope, and trust in the powers of this world, even still, I will not give up hope!

You are still the creator of all life. The earth is yours and all that is it. You made the sun to rise. You put all the billions of stars in their places and set all the solar systems to spinning. It is all yours. You created it and created the laws by which they all move. You spoke and creation came into being. You breathed your breath and humanity came to be. We are yours. You are God in and through it all. My hope is in you! And I give you the praise for all you have done. For it is more than I can possibly know. God is at work, in creation, in the world, working to accomplish the hard work of redemption. Even when it we cannot see it, we can know God is at work and say, “I will never give up hope or stop praising.”


Things to Think on

What does it mean for you to find hope in God right now?

Have you ever been tempted to give up hope? Why?

What does it mean to praise God, even when hope is hard to find?

In what ways is it difficult praise God when things are hard?


A Prayer for Today

I find hope in you. You are my hope and my salvation. I will hope in you today, tomorrow, and in all the days to come. Even when all else fails, I will still hope in you. Lord I continue to give you praise for all you are doing, all you have done and all you will do. Help me to continue to find hope in you at all times and to find ways to give you praise, each and every day.  – Amen

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