Friday, January 22, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 73


Psalm 73:1-28

Key Verses: 21-23

“Once I was bitter and brokenhearted. I was stupid and ignorant, and I treated you as a wild animal would. But I never really left you, and you hold my right hand.” CEV

It is so hard to look around at the world and see that evil people prosper. So many people who do cruel unjust things, not only get away with doing them, but they prosper while doing so. It seems their lives are better, and easier than mine. It is easy to see the injustice and hatred all around and become broken hearted. And in our anger, in our bitterness, in our frustration, take it out on God. When we see the evil and corruption all around it would be easy to say, “God does not see.” “God does not care.” “God does not move.” But in our anger, in our frustration, in our pain, let us not turn away from God. Even as we yell at God, even as we hurl our insults at God for God’s inability to do the things God should be doing, let us continue to hold on to God’s hand, because God will not let go of ours. Even as we come to God with our anger, our frustration, our hurt and our pain, and hurl all that at God, accusing God of being blind, incapable of moving, or asleep at the wheel, God will not let go of our hand. When we are frustrated with the evil all around hold on to God’s hand, as God continue to hold ours; giving us the strength, peace, and assurance which can only come from God.


Things to Think on

The Psalmist speaks of almost stumbling and almost falling, in what ways have you almost stumble and fallen recently?

When you look around, how are your frustrated, angered, or dismayed by the things you see?

What does it mean to you to know God is holding your hand through it all?


A Prayer for Today

God, it is not fair. It is not right. So much of what goes on in the world around me is not as it should be. People are sick, people are dying. People are hurting, are angry. Unjust people, just keep on being unjust. Evil people seem to be prevailing. Their hatred infects the world around me. I don’t know what to do. I cry out to you until my voice is hoarse but it all keeps on going on. There is so much darkness, I am unsure if I will ever see the light again. Yet I hold on to your hand. I cling on to your hand. Thank you for not letting me go. Even when I rail at you, even when I am frustrated with you, help me to trust you through it all. Never let me go – Amen


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 72


Psalm 72:1-20

Key Verses: 1-4

“Please help the king to be honest and fair just like you, our God. Let him be honest and fair with all your people, especially the poor. Let peace and justice rule every mountain and hill. Let the king defend the poor, rescue the homeless, and crush everyone who hurts them.” CEV

Here in the US, as of yesterday at noon, we have a new President. No matter what we think of our new president, we can join with the Psalmist praying our president would be the kind of ruler described here in this passage. The psalmist asked god to let the new king be God, honest and fair, especially to the poor. Let there be peace and justice, let him be a ruler who looks to the needs of the poor, the homeless and let all those who hurt them be crushed. The psalmist does not ask for a king who looks out for personal needs and desires, who adheres to the psalmist’s politics, but instead asks for peace and justice, honesty and fairness, someone who looks out for the homeless and the poor. And this the psalmist sees as a ruler who is like God. I am not sure when we think of having a “Godly” ruler we usually think of honesty, fairness, justice, peace, especially in regards to the poor, the needy and the homeless. Yet this is how a Godly ruler is described here. The psalmist asks God that their new king be like God in these ways. Later on in the Psalm it says, “Only you can work miracles.” A ruler who leads and governs as God is a miracle indeed, but yet this is what we pray for, this is what we ask God for, knowing that only God can work such miracles. And this is a miracle we all need, every person, every country, to have a leader who governs with God’s honesty, fairness, who seek God’s justice and peace, and who defends the poor, and rescues the homeless. This is who our God and this is the miracle we desire for God to work in our nation.

Things to Think on

What would it mean to truly have a leader who governs as God would govern?

Read the Psalm again, what attribute of a godly ruler surprise you?

Pray for our president (or the leader of your nation) this morning. Pray as the Psalmist would pray


A Prayer for Today

Oh, God, I know you are not a part of partisan politics. Everyone around me, including myself have our own ideas of what a good leader for our nation would look like. I have ideas of what policies that person would enact. I have opinions as to whether our leader is good or fair or is the right person for the job. Let me turn away from my ideologies, the policies of the political party I support. Let me instead turn to you. Let me look to your character and instead of desiring the person I want to rule the way I would wish for them to rule. Let me desire a leader who is like you, in all ways. Better yet, instead of attempting to put my trust in a leader, a political party or a political system, let me put my trust in you. Let me look to you to perform miracles in me, in my life, and let me trust you to perform miracles in the political system and in the hearts and lives of those who govern. Let me not put my trust in them, but in you, knowing you can work in and through them.   – Amen

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 71


Psalm 71:1-24

Key Verses: 14-15

“I will never give up hope or stop praising you. All day long I will tell the wonderful things you do to save your people. But you have done much more than I could possibly know.” CEV

Even when the darkness is great, I will never give up hope! Even when the chaos seems to rule, I will not give up hope!  Even when I am lost in the confusion, I will not give up hope! Even when it seems, the people of God have also turned away, put their hope, and trust in the powers of this world, even still, I will not give up hope!

You are still the creator of all life. The earth is yours and all that is it. You made the sun to rise. You put all the billions of stars in their places and set all the solar systems to spinning. It is all yours. You created it and created the laws by which they all move. You spoke and creation came into being. You breathed your breath and humanity came to be. We are yours. You are God in and through it all. My hope is in you! And I give you the praise for all you have done. For it is more than I can possibly know. God is at work, in creation, in the world, working to accomplish the hard work of redemption. Even when it we cannot see it, we can know God is at work and say, “I will never give up hope or stop praising.”


Things to Think on

What does it mean for you to find hope in God right now?

Have you ever been tempted to give up hope? Why?

What does it mean to praise God, even when hope is hard to find?

In what ways is it difficult praise God when things are hard?


A Prayer for Today

I find hope in you. You are my hope and my salvation. I will hope in you today, tomorrow, and in all the days to come. Even when all else fails, I will still hope in you. Lord I continue to give you praise for all you are doing, all you have done and all you will do. Help me to continue to find hope in you at all times and to find ways to give you praise, each and every day.  – Amen

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 70

Psalm 70:1-8

Key Verse: 1

“Save me, Lord God! Hurry and help.” CEV

Does it sometimes seem to you as if God is not enough in a hurry when it comes to helping when you are in need or hearing when you call out? God never seems to move as quickly as we would like. Often times God does not even do the things we wish for God to do. God does what is best, what is right. Even so, is God listening to what we are saying; to what it is we tell God we need? And why is God so slow? But, God does move. God does hear. God is at work doing what is best, what is right, seeking to bring salvation and redemption.

Even in our distress, even as we are lacking, even as we are in need, we can say, Our God is wonderful. God is at work, even when we cannot see God at work. God is good, most especially when our lives seem to be awash in evil. Our God is love even when we are about to drown in the hatred. God is the light in the darkness. God is the raft in the sea of pain, which holds us and carries us to the shore. God is wonderful and good in all things at all times. We can trust and rely on God. Always.

Things to Think on

In what ways does God seem to be working too slow in your life?

Are there things you know God is doing, or will do which you wish God would hurry up in doing?

Tell God exactly in what ways you would like God to “hurry up”.  (The psalmist does, we all should feel free to do so as well)

In what ways do you see and know the wonder of God? In what ways can you say, “God is wonderful” today?


A Prayer for Today

God when you say you are slow to anger, sometimes I think it is that you are just slow. You are not fast enough for me. But, then I run ahead. I go on past you. I am in a hurry, but I do not always know where we are going, or the way to get there. When I am ahead of you, I run the risk of going the wrong way, becoming lost. When I am ahead of you, I am not following you. I am not waking in your way, going along your path. I know I want you to hurry up. I but even as I am impatient help me to slow down. Help me to see you at work, to see your wonder and say, “you are wonderful.” And know it. Help me to be patient, to wait on you, to follow and lay down my desire to lead, to set the pace. Help me to follow, to wait. To be a disciple.  – Amen

Monday, January 11, 2021

Jesus Man of Mystery: The Reveal - Mark 1:4-11


Last week we heard about the nature of who Jesus is from John who was the latest of the gospel writers; his recounting of the events of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, was the final one written. This week, we are looking at a passage, which is found at the beginning of Mark; Mark’s gospel being the last one to have been written.

The Mark’s gospel begins like this, “The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ.” Mark in his book is attempting present to all who will listen, who Jesus is, as well as the purpose of his life, his teachings, his death and his resurrection. As the first gospel writer, he would have been the first person to record accurately the events of Jesus’ life. John is pulling back the curtain and revealing the man of mystery behind it, whom he, as well as so many others, had come to know as the Messiah, the one and only true Son of God, who was himself God. In many ways, Mark is saying, “So here is Jesus. Perhaps we have all heard a little about him; rumors, snippet of his sayings and teachings perhaps, the thing a friend of a friend of a friend might tell you, but draw close, and I will tell you who he really is. I will let you know the truth of the man behind the legend.”

As he begins his story, Mark almost immediately moves into this passage here. The good news, the gospel, begins with Jesus being baptized. And Jesus’ baptism begins with, John the Baptizer, out in the desert, looking and acting like Elijah, crying out for the people of Israel to prepare the way for the Lord, and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The implication being, by being baptized in this way a person is making preparations for the coming of the Lord, which John is declaring as imminent.

The baptism he is offering is a water baptism, to be done for the forgiveness of sins. This baptism marks the preparation the person wishes to make in their lives, through the repentance of sin. John’s baptism is the outward sign of the person’s repentance, and confession of sin and the marking of the inward work of God, in a person’s life through forgiveness. John preaches, saying all those accepting and participating in this baptism are preparing for the coming of the one who will come after him, who is not merely another prophet to follow him, but who is one whom John is not even worthy to untie the thong on his sandal. This One for whom they are preparing, whom John is proclaiming, will come after him and will not baptize with water, as John is baptizing, but will instead baptize with the power of the Holy Spirit. With his words and his call, John is proclaiming the coming of the Lord's messiah, and is calling for the people to make ready their hearts and lives for him.

Then, suddenly Jesus is there. Jesus appears on the scene, and is baptized by John. “In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.” Mark has had an eight-verse lead up and then, bam, one short sentence; Jesus is introduced, and comes to John and is baptized. Out of all the Gospel writers, Mark is the one who gives the briefest account of almost everything (if Marks spends more words on something than Matthew or Luke you should slow down, and really pay attention to what it is Mark is saying). Mark is not much on the details, or elaborating. Mark will not give you two words when only one will do. So, in concise Markan fashion, he presents the facts in their rawest and most concise form. Jesus arrives on the scene, is baptized and then the Heavens are ripped open, from which the voice comes declaring that this is the Son God. 

But, since Mark’s telling of these events are so concise I need to be careful not to just bowl on ahead and skip over what is perhaps the most frequently asked question of any of the gospel accounts of Jesus’ baptism, the question, “Why?” “Why does Jesus come to John to be baptized?” “Why would Jesus participate in this baptism for the forgiveness of sins?” “Why is Jesus being baptized when John is baptizing people to help prepare them for the coming messiah, who is Jesus?” “Why does one who has no sins to confess; who does not need to be forgiven; who all these others are being baptized in preparation for, come and get baptized?” “Why does Jesus participate in something which does all these things, he does not need to do?”

Let us begin to unravel this question by talking about baptism. Baptism is an outward action serving as a sign of that which God has and is doing inwardly in a person’s life. John baptized people who had repented and had confessed their sins, and whom God forgave. Baptism was an outward sign of the forgiveness God was giving the person inwardly, it was an outward sign of the relationship God has with the person who is baptized.

So what does it mean for Jesus to be baptized? First, it is important to note, Jesus does not come to John to repent and confess his sins. Mark says nothing of him doing this or needing to do this.  Nor does he tell us God needed to forgive him of anything. Jesus does not seem to be coming as a response to the message John is giving. So, if baptism is an outward sign of something God is doing inwardly. What then would God being doing inwardly in the life of Jesus here? Baptism is a sign of the inward relationship a person has with God and the work God is doing in their lives because of this relationship. In order for God to begin to be at work, most people would first need to repent, confess, and then be forgiven of their sins in order to be in right relationship with God, but we have already noted Jesus has nothing for which he would need to repent, confess, and be forgiven. He has lived a sinless life. He was already living in right relationship with the Father.  We have already established, it is not the baptism itself, which does anything, but it is simply a sign of the grace of God at work inwardly in a person. The baptism of Jesus is therefore an outward sign of the inward grace of God, for Jesus, just as it is for any of us. The main difference being, Jesus is already experiencing, close and personal relationship with God, the Father. His baptism is a sign of his relationship with God.

After coming to this understanding, it is interesting then to note what happens after Jesus is baptized. The Heavens are torn open and the Spirit descends on him as a dove. Now, in modern Christianity, the dove has come to be associated with the Spirit, because of this event right here, but to John and any other who might have also witnessed this event, they did not immediately think of the Spirit when they saw a dove. The dove, for them would have been a symbol for the community of Israel. In effect, the dove descending upon Jesus, told all those who observed Jesus was the epitome of what it meant to be a member of the people of God, living in right relationship with God. The dove would have been a symbolic way of indicating Jesus is living the way, God desires for people to live. The dove is revealing Jesus as the prototypical child of God, living in total obedience to God.

Not only do we have the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending upon Jesus, but there is also the voice of God, heard speaking, revealing who Jesus is. The voice of God coming from the Heavens saying, Jesus is not only the prime example of what it means to be living as a member of God's people, but he is also God's beloved Son, AND in him God is well pleased. What an amazing statement indeed! Even if we just take it at face value, this is significant, but there is more going on here than we might be able to see on the surface.

In the ancient Middle East, they knew very little about reproduction, that all that entailed, but they did know it was possible for a person to be born of a woman, yet not belonging to the husband, so every child had to be claimed as a legitimate child by their father. Therefore, on the eighth day after a child was born the father would claim the child and name the child. The father would stand before the members of the community and say, "This is my beloved child," and then the father would name the child.

So Jesus is baptized, and as he comes up out of the water, the heavens split open and the voice of God is heard claiming Jesus as son. This moment is pregnant with so much meaning and so much symbolism. It is a moment, in which we have this outward sign of Jesus’ inward relationship with God. It is also a moment, which serves to proclaim Jesus as the prime example of what it means for a person to live in right relationship with God, setting Jesus, life and teachings up as the pattern for all to follow from this time forward. Finally, it is a moment in which God claims Jesus as beloved son, with whom God is pleased.

Jesus is standing in the river, the water running down off his face and his bear, he is dripping having just come up out of the water.  The Spirit then comes descending upon him in the form of a dove. Through his baptism, he is outwardly proclaiming his inward and intimate relationship with God, the same relationship God desires to have with each of us, and then God declares Jesus to be beloved Son. Mark, through his brilliant conciseness, is saying so much, while saying so very little.

Mark begins his gospel declaring, this is the beginning of the good news. For Mark the beginning of the “good news, is Jesus’ baptism. In the baptism, without Jesus saying a single word, the good news begins to be proclaimed. With the baptism of Jesus, we have standing in the water the very One who brings all of humanity into right relationship with God. Jesus is the only human who has lived fully in right relationship with God. As such, he is the proto-type of what it looks like truly to live a Christian life. All others who desire to be a part of the people of God, are to pattern their lives after him, using his actions, interactions, the way he communicates with those around him and his teachings as the pattern on which to pattern our own.

Before Jesus begins to live out that example, without preaching a sermon or saying a word, through sign and act of God, his true nature and purpose is revealed. Mark, who never minces words, or uses flowery words, has recorded this, in straight and simple language, for us all to hear and to understand, so the good news of the truth of the gospel can be revealed to us, so our eyes can be opened and we can see who Jesus really is. We need only to look at the sopping wet Jesus to see him revealed as the one who has come to bring salvation to us all, so that we might all have the relationship with the Father that he has.

The baptism of Jesus, an event which on the surface seems so strange and unneeded, is an event which reveals to us, at the beginning of Jesus ministry, the beginning of the proclamation of the good news, exactly what Jesus is all about. His life, his death, his ministry here on earth is all about standing in the gap, so we might live in total obedience to God, so we too might know what it means to live, to really and truly live as the people of God, full of the spirit of God and free of all sin.

Let us rejoice today! The Jesus who is and was, has always been God, one with the Father (as we heard from the beginning of John’s gospel last week), came to this earth, was baptized, ministered and died, so we might all know God and live in perfect relationship with God, just as Jesus did. Let all of us who have been baptized walk daily with God remembering God is at work inwardly in all of our lives filling us with his grace, allowing us to walk in right relationship with him.


Manna for Today: Psalm 69


Psalm 69:1-36

Key Verse: 1-2

“Save me, God! I am about to drown. I am sinking deep in the mud, and my feet are slipping. I am about to be swept under by a mighty flood. I am worn out from crying, and my throat is dry. I have waited for you till my eyes are blurred.” CEV

Have you ever felt as if you were just going to drown under the weight of it all? It is too much. Everything weighs so heavily that you are unable to lift your feet to move in one direction or another. Have you have cried so much there are no more tears to be cried. Have you ever seen a babies sock, lost on a wet windy day, now seen laying on the sidewalk having been baked in the summer sun? You see it and you think to yourself that is how I feel. I was about to drown and now I am dried out and lost to all good purposes. Have you ever called out to God and called out to God and felt as if God was choosing not to hear your cries, does not see your pain, your hurt? You are a drift at sea in the midst of the chaos of your life, being carried away by the currents of the world around you. Soon you will be crushed against the rocks.

There are time when it is all too much. There are times when God seems silent, when God feels far away, when it is as if God cannot, does not, will not hear you and turns away from seeing you. Even when God seems deaf, and dumb, unmoved and unseeing, we are to give praise to God. Even in the midst of the chaos, the pain the sorrow, we can see God at work in the world, in our lives, bringing beauty where there seems to be nothing but ugliness, kindness when we are adrift in a sea of hatred, redemption and salvation, when there seems to be nothing left which is can be saved or redeemed. God is  at work and worthy of our worship and praise. Even today, in the midst of all that is going on in each of our lives, in our country and our world. God is here at work, bringing salvation and redemption. And today we give God the glory and the praise.

Things to Think on

What is one place of beauty in your life today?

Can you bring to mind one thing that made you smile yesterday?

Thank God for these things.

How is God at work in your life today, yesterday? Can you see God’s work of redemption and salvation in the world today?

When it all seems too much do this, remember the goodness, think on the beauty and thank God for these things.

A Prayer for Today

I am drift today. I see chaos and destruction all around. I feel as if I might drown. I look around and say, “It is too much.” Lord, I feel so far from your justice, your righteousness, your goodness, your light. As I sit here sinking down, down, down. Show let me see the ways you are at work. Let me see the flower blooming in the dry and rocky place. Let me see the rainbow in the storm. Let me see you at work today bringing redemption and salvation, in places I had not yet thought to look. Let me find the strength to praise you today. Show me one reason to give you glory, so that I might give you the adoration you deserve, so I can be reminded in the midst of it all that you are and always remain a good God. – Amen

Friday, January 8, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 68


Psalm 68:1-35

Key Verse: 1-2a

“Do something, God! Scatter your hateful enemies. Make them turn and run. Scatter them like smoke!,” CEV

Do something! It seems too often the enemies of God are winning. Chaos and turmoil have no end. Yet we know the God of creation, who spoke order into the chaos of pre-creation, can scatter them. They are like smoke without a fire, easily waved away and dispersed. God is at work, even today. In the darkness, in the chaos, in the unrest, in the turmoil, God is there, at work, and greatly to be praised. God is the God of the downtrodden the forgotten, those whose very lives are run over by the strong and the powerful God rescues the widow, releases the prisoner and declares freedom. God is the God who leads us through the desert, making a way for us, when there seemed to be no way. Our God is mighty and we can sing praise to God in the midst of the chaos of our enemies. Even when it seems the unrighteous will reign, God is still there, and worthy of our praise through it all, in it all.

Things to Think on

In what ways do you see enemies of God at work in your life? In the world?

Do you ever become discouraged because of how sin, evil, and all that is contrary to God seem to be always at work?

God is with the lost, the prisoner, the widow, the poor, the weak, how do you see God working release, help, strength and freedom in the lives of those who are most vulnerable?

In what ways do you feel vulnerable? How is God at work in your vulnerability?

How can you praise God today in the midst of the chaos or your life and your world?

A Prayer for Today

Somedays, Oh Lord, it seems the darkness will win. It seems the hatred and evil of some in our world is too great. I am at a loss. I cry out to you and am not always sure how to pray. Yet, I know you are at work, I know your kingdom is not powerless in this world. So I praise you for all you have done. I give you praise for all you will do. And I seek to join you in your work to release the captives, help the poor, the orphan the widow, and to bring freedom to all those who are imprisoned. Show me how I can be  your child, joining you in your work. Let me follow you to all the place you are and to do the work you are seeking to do, each and every day– Amen

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 67


Psalm 67:1-7

Key Verse: 1

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us,” NRSV

The first verse of the Psalm mirrors the beginning of a common benediction, which comes from Numbers 6: 24-26.  The first time I heard it was at my high school baccalaureate. It must have been given by the Episcopal priest, because I associated it with Episcopalians before I came to realize that it was a passage of scripture, which he prayed over us and with which he sent us out into the world. For some reason the imagery of this benediction has captivated me my whole life since. I love the idea of God’s face shining down one me like the rays of the sun. When I lift my face to the sun I can feel God’s guidance and know the paths down which God is leading me.  The priest prayed this over us, sending us out into the world with God’s  light shining us, illuminating our paths, giving us God’s peace and assurance that as long as we walked down the path on which God took us, we were headed in the right direction. When I feel lost, when I feel I have lost the way. I lift my face to the sun, and know God’s face is shining on me and I open my eyes to the God’s way, that it might be revealed to me and walk with assurance and peace in the ways God illuminates for me.

Things to Think on

What does it mean to you to know God’s face is shining upon you?

Can you feel the warmth of God’s guidance today? If you don’t can you ask God to make God’s face shine upon you so that you may see God’s way today?

What are the things which help you see God’s path in your life? For me it is lifting my face to the sun. What do you do, what can you do to help you focus on God, God’s ways and the light God is giving to you to reveal to you the way God’s path goes?

Look for God’s way(s) in your life, today.  Find the ways God is gently leading you and revealing to you where you should go and what you should do.


A Prayer for Today

Today I look to the sun, I lift my face to its light, feel the warmth of its rays. Shine you face upon me this morning, like the sun on a bright day. Let your way be made clear before me. In the same way the light of the Sun reveals all to me the way along the street, may you light the ways I should go today. So that I can be a person who walks in your ways; who lives out your character; who goes where you would go; who does what you would do, and who speaks as you would speak in all the places I am today, with all the people I with whom interact today. – Amen

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 66


Psalm 66:1-20

Key Verses: 5,16

“Come and see God’s deeds; his works for human beings are awesome: Come close and listen, all you who honor God; I will tell you what God has done for me:” CEB

“Come and see!” This is Jesus’s invitation to his disciples as he walked along the Sea of Galilee and called them away from their families and their homes into a life following him. “Come and see,” is the invitation of the Psalmist when describing the reasons we have to “Shout joyfully to God,” or to “Sing praises to the glory of God’s name!” We have so much to sing about, so many reasons to give praise to God. There are so many beautiful things in this world, there is so much good that comes into our lives. Even on the worst days, there are moments when the goodness of God breaks into the pain, sorrow and chaos we regularly experience in our lives.

It is when we are struggling the most, when the pain is the hardest to bear, when the sorrow threatens to overwhelm and the chaos overtakes all semblance of order that we need to invite ourselves to “come and see.” To pay attention, to notice to, recognize the ways God is moving in the world, in our lives and is working to bring redemption to all that has gone so very wrong. This is also when we need to turn to those around us and say, “Come close and listen,” or as it says in the NIV, “Come and hear.” Not remaining silent as to the goodness of God but inviting others to share in our wonder and our awe at all the ways, even in the darkest times, we are able to see the ways God is at work in our lives, in the lives of those around us, in the world and in all creation. Drawing others out of the dark places they may be so together you can share in wonder of the goodness of our God.

Things to Think on

Where do you see the beauty of God in the world around you today?

As you go about your day, pay attention, take note. Write down at least three ways in which you can see the beauty, the glory, the goodness of God at work around you. Find a way to share those things with at least one other person today.

Tell God about what you have seen, what you have noticed. As much as we ask God to pay attention to us, it is also good to let God know we are paying attention to what God is doing and how God is working.


A Prayer for Today

Lord God, I have awoken into a new day. It is perhaps not the best day. Surely, I have had better, but already, I can see you at work in this day, in the beauty of the world outside my window, in the love I have already felt from my family, in joy I have experienced in small ways in the small things I have done. Thank you for showing your glory in the mundane. Thank you for being a God who reaches into my life with your grace, your beauty, your love and shows me the wonder of your creation. You are an amazing, God help me to never be blind to how it is you are present with me each day and help me to never be silent as to all you have done, are doing and continue to do. “How awesome are your works!”  – Amen

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 65


Psalm 65:1-13

Key Verses: 2-3

You listen to prayer—and all living things come to you. When wrongdoings become too much for me, you forgive our sins.

“You listen to prayer.” When you speak, God listens. What a profound thing to think, “God listens to me.” The God who spoke and creation came into being. The God who set the universe in motion, and gave breath to all humanity, listens when I speak. Why would God even pay attention to me, to any of us? However, God does. Even as we fail, even as we muck things up over and over again, we can go to God with our concerns, our hurts, our pains. It is never too much for God. God does not become annoyed with us.

Even when we fail, repeatedly, we can come to God in our failings, in spite of our failings, because of our failings and when the weight, the burden, of our wrongdoings is so great that it is too much for us to bear, it is not too much for God to forgive. God forgives and forgives and forgives. As many times as we get it wrong, if we come to God, whenever we come to God, seeking to set things right, God sets them right.  No matter what, every time; God sees; God hears; God listens; God forgives.

Things to Think on

 What does it mean to you to know God listens to you prayer?

Have you ever wondered if God gets annoyed with the way we continually expect God to pay attention to the things, which matter, to us?

Have your wrong doings, your failings ever been too much for you? What did that feel like?

Have you ever thought that your failings, your wrongdoings, your sin was too much for God?

A Prayer for Today

God, I come to you so much. I come to you with the trivialities of my small existence. I ask you over and over again to reform me, to help me to do better, to be the person you want me to be, the person I should be. I fail in so many ways, all the time. I am never you I believe you to want me to be. Sometimes I think it must be too much. I am not the Christian, the person you are calling me to be. Thank you for not giving up on me, for restoring me each and every time. Help me to never take your forgiveness for granted, yet always stand in awe of your love and your mercy and yet continue to seek it every day.  – Amen


Monday, January 4, 2021

Manna for Today: Psalm 64


Psalm 64:1-10

Key Verse: 64:1

Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint;

    preserve my life from the dread enemy. (NRSV)

          Listen to me, hear my voice! This is our cry this morning. We all want to be heard. We all want to know that someone, anyone is hearing us, is paying attention. Sometimes we are not particular, we don’t care who is listening, who it is who hear us, as long as there is someone out there who is. At other times we wish for a particular person to hear us, our spouse, our children, our dearest friend. We need them to hear us, to turn to us with advice, compassion, understanding. Being heard by those here on earth is one thing, but to turn the ear of the Almighty, to have the God of creation pay attention to the words we say, to hear our complaint.

          It is hard to listen to my children when is seems they do nothing but complain. It is hard to hear their complaints to hear the truth behind the complaining tone on a mannerisms with which they approach me. Sometimes it seems all they do is complain which makes it increasingly harder to hear them. God is not like me. When we come to God with our complains, our concerns, even when we come like children, whining and demanding. God can still hear the truth in our complaints. God can hear through the inappropriate ways we might present our pleas. God is not offending by the words we use, or the way we make our case. God can hear what it is we mean, what it is we are attempting to say, even when our communications skills are less than stellar and would not hold water with anyone else. We can come to God, knowing God will listen, God will hear our voices, and hear what it is we mean, what it is we need and will know the best way to respond to our complaints, each and every time.

Things to Think on

 If you knew God was listening (because God is) in what ways would you complain to God?

Have you ever just opened up to God without shame or hesitation and told God exactly what you thought, exactly what you wanted?

Do you ever worry about annoying or offending God?

If you knew that you could say anything to God, using any words you pleased, in any manner you pleased, what would you say to God today?


A Prayer for Today

Lord, God I hold so much back. Even in my private prayers I speak to you as if someone is listening; as if someone is taking notes; judging me on what I say to you, how I say it. Teach me to open my mouth, and say what I mean to say. To complain to you in whatever manner I see fit, knowing you will hear my voice; knowing my words, my thoughts, my deepest concerns are not shameful, are not wrong, are not inappropriate for you. Let me open my mouth and speak to you all the things I long to say, knowing you are listening, knowing you hear because you are here. Lord, hear my voice this morning. – Amen