Thursday, March 26, 2020

Manna for Today: Psalm 26

Psalm 26:1-12
Key Verse: 26:6-7
“I wash my hands in innocence and go around your altar, O Lord, proclaiming thanksgiving aloud, and telling all your wondrous deeds.”

I couldn’t help myself. We are all washing out hands so much these days. But washing our hands is the easy part. In these days of working from home, staying on top of our children to do their school work, not gatherings, not getting to see our friends, proclaiming how thankful we are for the things God has done and is doing is hard. Sometimes it is hard to see, but there are so many things we can be thankful for, especially when we are in the midst of difficult times as we are right now. But the world is still full of God’s goodness, there continue to be so many things for which we can be thankful.

Thing to Think on
What are the things that are making it hard for you to be thankful right now?
Wash your hands.
Now think about the comforts you have around you which are helping you make it through times like these. Take time to thank God for all these things.
As you encounter the good things in your life today, stop and speak your thankfulness for these things out loud.

A Prayer for Today
Great and wonderful God, in the midst of all that is going on right now; sometimes it is hard to notice the good things which surround me. Help me to see your goodness. Help me to notice the small blessings which surround me every day. Help me to practice gratitude today and to be thankful to you for the good and wonderful things in my life. - Amen

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