Thursday, July 30, 2020

Manna for Today: Psalm 44

I am so sorry. I have been remiss in posting these. I do not know why but I have been really struggling with doing these each day. I hope my negligence is behind me and I will be more consistent once again.

Psalm 44:1-27

Key Verses: 44:23-26

“Wake up! Do something, Lord! Why are you sleeping? Don’t desert us forever. Why do you keep looking away? Don’t forget our sufferings and all of our troubles. We are flat on the ground, holding on to the dust. Do something! Help us! Show how kind you are and come to our rescue.” CEV


We have not forgotten God. We have sought God in all things. Yet, today it feels as if God has abandoned us. Right now, the midst of the hurt, the pain, the struggle, the brokenness that is our life, it seems as if God has abandoned us. We know God never sleeps, but it feels as if God must be asleep right now. How could all this be happening right now in our lives, in our country, in our world? How could people we care about be so thoughtless?  How can fellow Christians be doing and saying the things they are doing? If God was paying attention, if God was awake, if God has not turned away, then how could this be happening?

Sometimes it really does feel as if God is looking away, that God’s attention must be averted elsewhere, because if God is a good God, if God is for justice and righteousness and was actually working to make things right. Even when  we are unable to see God at work, we like the Psalmist are to be willing to continue to give God thanks and praise, remembering all the ways God has worked to bring about goodness, righteousness and justice in the past, knowing God is continuing to do so and will continue to do so in the future. God is always at work, even when we can not see the ways God is working.  


Thing to Think on

Have you ever felt like God was “asleep on the job”?

When have you felt abandoned by God?

What were/are your complaints against God when you are hurting?

How have you seen God at work in the past? Can you trust God to continue to do so in the future?


A Prayer for Today

Lord God, sometimes I feel abandoned. Sometimes the hardships and hurdles I am facing seem too much for me to handle. I am overwhelmed and I do not see any relief in sight. Do you see? Do you know? Are you looking the other way? I know you have worked in the past. I have seen your hand at work, but not right now. Where are you? Come to me. Be my relief. Be my shelter. Be my relief. I need you to see and to work.   – Amen


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