Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Manna for Today: Psalm 32

Psalm 32:1-11

Key Verses: 32:5-6

“I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,’ and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found; surely in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him.” ESV


As a member of a Wesleyan Holiness tradition we do not talk much about “godly” people confessing our sins or transgressions. A “godly” person, one whom God has cleansed of our sin nature, whose carnal nature has been washed away, and is bent on Holy living and seeking  a life of Christian perfection, no longer has a bent toward sinning. Yet the psalmist here calls for the godly to pray, to acknowledge sin, to confess transgression. The fact of the matter is as mature Christians our knee jerk reaction is no long toward sin, but God is continually working with us, help us grow, so that we are continually becoming the holy people God is calling us to be. Walking in the path of Christian perfection is a journey an not a static place. As we grow into Christlikeness, God is always revealing to us how we need to grow, what we need to do to be better reflections of God’s character. As we do this God will make us aware of past and current sinful actions and attitudes which if not corrected will lead us away from Christlikeness and the way of godly holiness. So even the most mature among us, as we are seeking to be the holy people God is calling us to be, will find God revealing to us sins and transgressions which will need to be confessed. And since there is really no forgiveness, without confession, confession is a part of every Christians’ prayer life, no matter how holy. Continued maturity and holiness is dependent up on the continual humility to confess and allow God to transform our transgressions into continued holiness.


Thing to Think on

As you pray today ask God to show you in what ways your thoughts and attitudes are sinful.

Confess to God your transgressions. Allow God to cover you with forgiveness and to transform your life so that today, you look a little more like Christ than you did yesterday

As you go through your day, allow God to recreate even your failings, into holiness.


A Prayer for Today

Lord God, humble me. Show me today how I need to change, need to be cleansed and made holy once again today. Help me to be kind, to speak kind words. Help, me to extend the kind of grace and gentleness you extend to me, to those around me. Examine my attitudes and my unconscious biases. Reveal to me the ways my attitudes and biases do not reflect the loving kindness of Jesus. Lord, I confess to you these failings, these sins, these transgressions. I lay them at your feet. Wash me. Cleanse me. Renew me in mind and spirit again. Transform me into your image. Let me be the holy person you are calling me to be today. – Amen


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