Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Manna for Today: Psalm 39

Psalm 39:1-13

Key Verses: 39:1-2

“I promised I would watch my steps so as not to sin with my tongue; promised to keep my mouth shut as long as the wicked were in my presence. So I was completely quiet, silent. I kept my peace, but it did no good. My pain got worse.” CEB

Guarding our words, being careful with our actions is hard. There are so many words we can put in the world, hurtful words, false words, harmful words. When we are hurting, when we are angry, when we are confused, when we ourselves are hurting, it is that much easier to regret the words we say, the words we type. Sometimes keeping silent is the best choice. Not spewing forth hotheaded, unchecked words, saying things we may not mean and cannot take back. When we do speak, when the pain inside is too much and we cannot bear to hold it in, the words we speak are words spoken to God. When we cannot be silent the first words we speak, the first words we use are words of faith, words of reliance on God. When we need to speak, when words are the right course of action, as Christians our words should first be filtered through the righteousness, the goodness, should be tempered and honed by the character of God. Sometimes silence is the only language which should be spoken and other times, when words are necessary, when silence will not do, we can only speak that which speaks to the justice, the righteousness, and the goodness of God.


Thing to Think on

What does remaining silent look like for you?

Are there times when you wish you could take back words you have written or spoken?

What kind of words do you need to speak to God today?

If you need to speak what would you say?

If you took those words to God first,  how would filtering your words through the character of God change what you say?



A Prayer for Today

         Oh, God, I can so many things. So many things can be said. Sometimes I say them without heed to what it is I am saying? I do not think about the ways, as a follower of Jesus Christ, my words and my actions tell others about you. When I am hurting, when I am angry, when I am in pain, whenever I am tempted to speak without heed; whenever I may speak and sin in my speaking, help me to keep silent. Help me to hold onto  my words and be careful which ones I use, how I use them and to whom. Lord, help me to discern when silence is the proper language. But also when words need to be spoken, should be used. Help me to choose them wisely to use words which speak to your justice, which help proclaim your righteousness and work to make your kingdom manifest.  Teach when to speak and what to say. - Amen


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