Monday, August 24, 2020

Manna for Today: Psalm 51


Psalm 51:1-19

Key Verses:51:1-2

“You are kind, God! Please have pity on me. You are always merciful! Please wipe away my sins. Wash me clean from all of my sin and guilt.” CEV

God is gracious and, full of forgiveness and understanding. God forgives and will continue to forgive. When we come to God with contrition and remorse for the ways we have failed God and others, in God’s loving kindness, God forgives. There was so many ways we can make sacrifices to God in and with our lives, but the first and foremost sacrifice God desires is the pride we have in our own righteousness and goodness, the admission of sin and guilt, of our failure to love God and other in the way Christ call for us to.

Even those of us who know God’s gracious gift of sanctification, who have joined with God to be and to become the holy people God is continually calling us to be, need to step away from our pride in our holiness, goodness and our rightness, and humbly ask God to continually reveal to us the ways in which we need to grow and change, allow God to continually wash us clean, and remake us into the image of Christ. We can never rely on our purity our own godliness, or righteousness and find pride in how pure we are, but are to continually be striving to be the holy people God is calling us to be each day. Allowing God realign us with God’s will and God’s holiness. Even the straightest moving object needs constant course corrections to stay on course. Allow God to make those course corrections each day. Humbly submit to the ways God is calling you to be holy today, and every day.


Things to Think on

As you look back at the last day or week, can you see things you could have or should have done better? Are there ways you could have better served God or been the person God calls you to be?

How can you allow God to wash you and make you clean today?

As you move through your day, allow God to show you and reveal to you the ways you can allow God to realign your attitudes, your actions and our thoughts so your life can better reflect the holiness of God in Christ.




A Prayer for Today

Oh, Lord God, I it is easy to come to believe that I have arrived that in sanctification I have become the person you have called me to be. Although I have given everything to you, although I have given you all that I am, this is not a commitment which can remain in the past. I must daily give myself over to you. I must daily allow you to realign who I am , who I am becoming into the way of your holiness. I desire to be the holy person you are calling me to be today, as well as tomorrow. I know there are always ways I can be better, and do better. You are always working alongside of me to teach me and guide me. Help me to listen. Help me to hear your correction. Help me to always be growing into the person you desire for me to be.  - Amen

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