We have had a fair few of rainy days here in New England.
A rainy day usually makes me think of green and growing,
Of fresh flowers glissening with life giving water,
The moist warmth which follows on a summer day.
But this Summer in New England rain is bringing rot and death.
Mike and the girls ventured through the rain to the local vegetable farm
The veggies are dieing.
Too much of a wonderful thing is horrible, is deadly.
Reminds me of a lady Mike knew in Kansas who "got drunk" off of water.
She drank so much water she flooded her system and the end result was something a kin to being drunk, funny thing is she did this on a hike through a desert.
She needed water.
Her body needed a lot of water.
She gave it too much water and it nearly killed her. (aside from the "drunk" effect)
Too much water is killing the melons and zucchini I helped weed.
Too much water is rotting the roots of the tomatoes I helped tie up.
Too much is never a good thing.
Although it seems to me we are good at too much.
When I lived in Mulvane I shopped at the tiny little grocery store in town.
I rarely needed anything which it did not provide.
Here I shop at two different grocery stores, a farmer's market and the veggie farm.
The first week I was here I spent five minutes trying to decide which jar of pasta sauce I would buy.
I only needed one jar, but I had 20 or so to choose from.
Too many choices.
Sometimes it seems we are good at having too much.
Too much water can kill you;
As will too much meat or too much cake.
All of which are good in certain amounts.
I have to say as I was packing and unpacking my house I began to wonder if we (our family) suffer from a horrible case of too much stuff.
I wonder what in our lives we have too much of.
I wonder if any of those things will eventually rot our roots, or bring decay and destruction in our lives?
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but if we continue to allow too much of * whatever * to be in our lives will we perish, just as the poor veggies are perishing because of too much rain.
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