Sunday, April 14, 2019

A Stranger Comes to Town: A Palm Sunday Sermon

Matthew 21:1-17
This is a passage which those who have spent year after year in Church services, know all too well. Well, in truth we probably know some amalgamation of how each of the gospels tells this story. The story we have in our heads has bits and pieces of the way each of the Gospels record the event and then we have most likely thrown in some imagined details that perhaps we don’t even realize are not even in scripture.
As someone who has preached Palm Sunday year after year now, this is really hard for me. When I see the scripture reference, I can instantaneously identify which “Triumphal Entry” passage this is, before I even open my Bible. Before I even read one word, I already know what I think. I already know the preaching points, which ones I have used over the years and which ones like the best and which ones I tend to skip over. I know the socio-political background for the passage. I know all about what it meant for Jews to be pouring into the city that day and what they were celebrating. I know all about how there was probably also another nearly simultaneous procession of Romans coming into the city to “keep the peace” during the Jewish holy days. I know about the Romans, I know about the Jews, I know about the Passover and the various meals and celebrations that took place around it. I know what is going on in the temple, what is going on in the streets and what is going on in homes all across that city. And if I can’t bring the information to the forefront of my memory, I know where I can find the information. The fact may very well be that I KNOW TOO MUCH. I am not just familiar with this passage, I already know what I think about it, what I am supposed to think about it and even before I read the passage this week, I was already cycling through the different angles I could take on it.
With this passage and so many like it, it would be nice to come to it not really knowing what to expect, seeing it as if it were for the first time, so I can perhaps really see it. But I can’t, I can just look at it, read it, listen to it and try to really hear it and I tried this week. I really did make a valiant attempt to look at the passage, to allow the passage to just be and, not forget, but put on the back burner what I know, or I think I know and just live with this passage, what it says and what is going on here on this day, at this time and what Matthew has to say about it.
So let’s begin by reading it again. Listen to it, really listen to it. There are perhaps things that are different than you think they should be. There are strange things going on. And I might not end the passage where you would expect me to end I keep going and read what Jesus did for the rest of the day. What did he do next? Does that change your what you think about what is going on? What do people say? What questions are raised? Listen, really listen. Pay attention.
Read passage again.
What did you hear? What was different? What stood out? Is there anything that you never thought to question before but have questions about now? Think about it.
When I was in college, Rachele, my roommate, and I would often go into the North End, it was our favorite part of town. One day we went into town and the street was full of people. And they were cheering; it was kind of like a parade. And coming down the street were people caring a figure of some kind on platform of some kind. The figure was covered in dollar bills, almost completely obscuring its body. And there were ticker-tape papers flying in the air. The figure came down the street and turned down another street and everyone followed it cheering, the ticker-filling the air where ever it went. And then it was over almost as soon as we had happened upon it. We stood there in awe wondering what it was we had just witnessed.
This was before people went to the internet to find the answers to all their unanswered questions, so all we could do was speculate about what we had seen and what we thought was going on. This is kind of where we are in this passage. Something happens and then we are left to try to figure out what happened and why.
This week as I read and studied this passage I tried to make believe I was a stranger visiting a strange town and I happened up this procession. And tried to ask myself the same kinds of questions Rachele and I asked ourselves when we came up on that procession in the North End so many years ago.
The first thing I notice is that almost sounds like Jesus is riding two mounts. Now that’s weird. No seriously look at the passage.
Why two mounts?
The easy answer is, well because Matthew is quoting: Zechariah 9:9
9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter Jerusalem! Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. 10 He will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the war-horse from Jerusalem; and the battle bow shall be cut off, and he shall command peace to the nations; his dominion shall be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth.
Zechariah is speaking of a king coming in peace and humility. The passage uses a Hebraic redundancy of wording which when used was supposed to highlight the point being made. The King will come, triumphant in humility and victorious in peace and this is pointed out by the fact that he is riding a “colt, a foal of a donkey,” and not a war horse, not even a horse, but a donkey.
But two animals? 
There is also an historical/cultural answer. It was also common practice for a military leader to ride in a procession with a secondary mount, one which was there just in case your primary mount went lame, or if it was a particularly long procession, to ride when the primary mount was tired and needed to rest. To process in riding a donkey, not a particularly grand mount and to have a colt or a foal as your secondary mount would further emphasize the humility and peaceful nature of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem
Did Jesus really ride two animals?
 I don’t know. Matthew is the only one which includes two animals. He could be right, Jesus might have come in with two animals, but none of the other gospel writers thought it was important enough to mention, or Matthew could just be trying to make a point about the nature of Jesus’ procession into Jerusalem. I think it is alright to not know for sure.
What is going on with the palms and cloaks?
It is Palm Sunday; we all have palms branches in our hands. This is what we do right. But have you ever really looked at the Palm branch in your hand and wondered why? So, why palms and why cloaks?
Jesus was processing in a humble, peaceful manner, but the crowds were seeing this as something else. The crowds were welcoming a conquering king. They were showing signs of reverence and celebration that was common when the new ruler came to town. You put your cloaks on the ground to show reverence and respect for a dignitary. You waved branches and sung praises to let the new ruler know that you loved and adored him and welcomed him and his rule into the city. He is coming to set up a Davidic kingdom; to set things “right;” to restore their nationhood and set himself up on its throne.
What does Hosanna mean?
It means “save us.”  It is a prayer, a cry to God. Save us!  They are crying, but they are celebrating this prayer, this cry. They are saying it as if their cry has been heard, as if their prayers have been answered.
But save us from what?  What do the Jews feel they need saving from?  Why have they been crying out to God?
The Romans: at this time the people of Israel identified most with their ancient ancestors in Egyptian slavery. They wanted to be released from Roman oppression. They were crying out to God from their “enslavement,” Hosanna, God save us, release us from our Roman tyrants.
This is happening at the beginning of Passover week, when they are about to celebrate how God used Moses to bring them up out of Egyptian slavery, to “save them.” 
Does knowing that they are saying these words at the beginning of Passover week add any meaning to this?
This is a huge celebration in which the Hebrews celebrate how they won independence from the Egyptians how they were saved from their oppressors.
Let’s say that someday, the United States falls apart and various parts of it are now a part of other countries and New England is annexed into Canada. What if as the New England providence of Canada continued to celebrate Independence Day – July 4th?  The officials of Canada put up with our celebration because it is mostly harmless and they just increase police presence in its capital Boston, where all the “Americans” like to go every year to celebrate together with picnics along the Charles and fireworks. For three days Boston is full. There are reenactments all over town of various “Independence events”. We reenact the Tea Party, the Massacre, the first shots fired on Bunker Hill, the lanterns lighting, it is HUGE. And then on July 4th both sides the river are lined with people picnicking, cooking on small grills, children running up and down the grass, families gathered together, it is a wonderful celebration when we remember when we were once a fine nation and we once won a revolution.
But imagine one year a man from Western Mass or perhaps Northern Vermont, comes to town. Some of us have heard of him, he has some interesting things to say. He seems harmless in and of himself, but some people seem to think that he has come to bring about a new revolution to set us free, so that New England can be the seed of re-envisioned, re-instated United States of America!
What do the people say about what is going on?
Jesus is coming in riding a donkey (and a foal?) he is processing as one who is coming in peace, who is coming in humility. The people are welcoming him as a military hero, as a new king, as a revolutionary.
But they say that he is a prophet. Their actions say he is coming to set things “right,” in the way they see things being set right and then they say he is a prophet. So he is one of those radical prophets who have come to stir things up and make trouble for the status quo, to shake up the regime and turn everything on its head, over throw the empire and set up a Davidic dynasty. They had a lot of expectations of Jesus. They really thought they knew what was about and what he was about to do.

What is Jesus trying to say with his entry into Jerusalem?
I think we are all away that Jesus was not trying to come as a military or a revolutionary hero, or even a rabble rousing prophet. Jesus was not telling the people that he was their conquering King coming to regain the Kingdom and set himself up of the new country of Israel. And we can know this by what Jesus does next. He does not come into town and storm the castle. He does nothing that could lead me to believe that he is a revolutionary attempting to overthrow the Roman regime.
I know this as an outside observer because, nothing he does next does not do anything to accomplish these goals. He rides into town and he goes into the temple and dive out those who are buying and selling in the market place, quoting Isaiah and saying, “My house shall be called a house of prayer,” and then he goes on to declare, but you are making it a den of robbers. Now that is harsh.
Who is Jesus driving out? Why is he so mad?
In the outer most court of the temple merchants set up booths, to do several things, change money, and sell animals that would be needed by those who had come too far to bring their own, to make their sacrifices. For the Jews who have come to Jerusalem for Passover, money changing and having animals to purchase for their sacrifice, are much need amenities. Jesus is not upset about people needing to do this, he is upset that it is happening in the temple court.
In theory there is nothing wrong with these people doing these things. But it was also pretty common practice for money changers to short change their customers. There was no standard rate of currency exchange. There was no central body determining how many Roman gold pieces equal a denarii. So the money would determine how gullible or knowledgeable about what the exchange rate should be they believed their client to be, and would change the rate accordingly. Then at the animals stalls it was common for the price of the animals to have gone up steeply right about the time of Passover, when there were more people  “from away” who would  not know that a pigeon cost half as much last week. So Jesus is upset on hand that “robbing” people was common practice in the temple court.
But that is not all he is upset about. You may or may not remember that the temple is set up in a series of courts. The inner most section is the Holy of Holies, only the high priest went in there once a year. Outside of that is the Holy Place where only the priests were allowed. Outside that was the Inner Court where only the Jewish men came to pray and to worship. The court directly outside of that was the Outer Court, or the Court of Women, which is where the Jewish women came to worship and pray. The outer most court of the Temple was the court of Gentiles where Gentile followers of God, known as God Fearer, were allowed to worship.
All this money changing and all these animals and all these booths and all the hub bub and commotion of a marketplace and of commerce was located in this outer most court. The only place that people who were not Jews, but who had come to know God as the one and only living God of the universe, we allowed to worship. They were basically told the only place they were allowed to worship and was in the chaos and commotion out on the corner of Prospect and Mass Ave, out there in Central Square. I am sure if you or I wanted to do that we could figure out a way to worship and pray there on one of the benches, but it would not be ideal.
But that is not what is happening here, what is happening here, is that the chaos and hub bub of the square has been allowed to come into the sanctuary. Think about it this way. We host several other congregations here in our building. Bethel is upstairs right now worshipping, we can hear them singing and worshipping when we are quiet. It would be like we invited the hub bub and chaos of the square into our building and said, you can all go upstairs where you won’t bother us down here worshipping, in fact sending them up into the space set aside for others to worship. It would not be kind, it would not be polite and it would not be the right thing to do for one set of worshipping people to do that to the space set aside for others to worship. That is what has happened here in the temple. And that is why Jesus is angry. Is that some people are blatantly disregarding the needs of another.
What does Jesus do next?
After this Jesus heals people. He heals the blind and the lame. He comes into town, is received like a conquering hero and then he heals people. Again this does nothing to set him up as a the new king, it does nothing to start a revolution, or anything like that.
But then what is with the conversation between Jesus and the Chief priest and scribes?
Jesus is the temple healing people and something interesting happens. The chief priests and the scribes, who seem to not be able to keep up with Jesus, and what he has been doing, come in questioning him about what the people had been singing when he was outside. I mean he just kicked some people out of temple and they are still upset about the songs the crowd was singing. It is almost as if they are just as confused about who Jesus is and what he is all about as the crowd who were thinking they were welcoming their conquering hero.
Passover, at this time was the most volatile time period in Jerusalem. Jews from all over the Roman Empire come to Jerusalem to celebrate the time when God emancipated the Jewish people from a ruling empire. There were extra soldiers in town to “keep the peace” and there was all this pressure from the government for the Jewish leaders to keep “their people” under control. The last thing they needed was some kind of rabble rouser to incite the people to a revolutionary riot. That would not go well for anyone.
So they ask, “Jesus do you hear them out there?” You can’t do this, it is not going to end well. You need to get them to stop before this all goes south and we stuck in it and have no way out.
And Jesus’ answer is odd. He quotes a psalm declaring that even the smallest children, infants and babes will give praise to God. Jesus is choosing to interpret the singing as worship and praise. And is not too surreptitious way of saying that he is God, and is thus deserving of such worship and praise.
But then he just goes away?
Then Jesus just goes to Bethany (presumably to the house of Mary and Martha, since that is where they live and we know from other gospels that he spent some time there about this time doing something, you know mildly remarkable. But that is another passage in another gospel)  Jesus comes into town, does all these things and then leaves. Leaving those of us who witnessed these events, what has just happened? What is going on? Who is this Jesus person anyway?
We are there this series of events this morning? Who ar we most like? Whose thoughts and feelings most align with ours? If we were in the streets of Jerusalem that day, with whom would we most relate?  Are we a part of the gathered crowd who sees Jesus as a conquering hero coming to fulfill our hopes and our dreams. Is Jesus, for us, a prophet who proclaims the words we want to hear?
Are we one of chief priests or scribes; he is a trouble maker going to create a bad situation with the authorities and the powers that be, when all we want to do is to keep our heads down, be good citizens and live peacefully, making due the best we can with the situation we are currently in?
Are we money changers, trying to get ahead the best we can and see him as an impediment to our livelihood and messing up our way of living?
Are we just another Jewish person there for the Passover, who change our money and buy our Passover lamb from the merchants in the temple, not thinking about or even realizing we are participating in a broken system that is allowing us this convenience while disregarding the humanity, and the needs of others, whom we many not even realize are disadvantaged by our activities, and here is this man who is disrupting OUR lives, OUR way of doing things, making things more difficult so that others are no longer disadvantaged by our activities? Are we here to be healed?
We are there this morning; we are someone in this story. How do we see what he is doing, what he has done?
And however we see Jesus’ activities in this passage, what does it mean for our conquering hero, the prophet, the rabble rouser, the trouble maker, the weird guy over throwing a broken and oppressive system, whomever we presume him to be; what does it mean for him to die? What if he really is God as he himself more than kind of implies here? What does is mean for God to die? What does it mean for the Jesus we find in this passage, who we know and understand, or misunderstand to shortly die?
And Jesus goes off to Bethany to spend the night and we are left to wonder who do we think Jesus is?

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