Sunday, November 4, 2018

Deuteronomy 6:1-9: All Saint Sunday: Remembering the Past, Living in the Present, Looking to the Future

For their thirtieth anniversary my father wanted to do something really special for my mother.  It had always bothered him that he was unable to get my mother a diamond engagement ring when they were young, so he decided he would get her a diamond ring that year.  After looking at several different rings he decided up one of those rings that have three diamonds all in a row.  The lady at the jewelry shop, who sold it to him, told him it was called a yesterday, today and forever ring. 
Each diamond in the ring symbolized a different facet of their love.  The first diamond stood for their love of the past, the second was for their love today in the present and the third diamond symbolized their love tomorrow and into the future.  It is a way of saying the love of the past is what has brought them to this point in their relationship, i.e. their thirtieth anniversary, and the love of both yesterday and today is what will lead them to their love in the future.
All Saints Sunday is like a Past, Present, Future ring for the Church.  Today we celebrate and remember how Christ has worked through the lives of Christians, in the past, and how their lives which so exemplified faith, affect who we are as Christians today and at the same time we look to the future thinking about the Christians who come after us and think about the quality of the legacy faith we are leaving for them.
During the service we have shared faith stories of saints, Christians who have gone on before us, whose lives spoke volumes about who Christ is and who Christ is calling each of us to be.  It is their lives and lives of thousands of Christians like them have brought the church to the place it is today and their lives and as well as our lives, for we are the saints of the future, are what will bring the church forward into the generations to come.
All Saints Sunday is a Past, Present, Future ring for the Church and this passage highlights the same kind of idea of looking at the past has brought us to where we are today, and how what we choose to do today determines the kind of future we have together as the people of God.  Let’s begin with the past.  The children of Israel as they stood waiting to enter the promise land were standing on the promises the Lord had made, and the miracles the Lord had done in the past.  God had promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob each in turn that their ancestors would someday inherit the land before which they were standing that day.  These Israelites knew first hand what every high school history teacher tells her class as they continually struggle with obscure facts, names and dates of people and events that are long gone.  History is the building blocks for today; everything which has brought us to today is a result of what has gone on in the past.  A people who cuts itself off from the past, cuts themselves off from the very thing that holds them up and allows them to stand where they stand, causing the foundation of all that makes them who they are to crumble and fall.
Israel knew they could not cut themselves off from the past, because the past contained their promise to God and God’s promise to them; his promise to take care of them and protect them, his promise to lead them and to guide them, but most importantly it contained his promise to give the descendants of their ancestors, in other words them, the land into which they are about to enter.  Also they could not forget because the relationship with God which their ancestors had in the past, brought about the promise God was full filling in them by bringing them into the Promised Land.  Even though they knew this, God made sure to remind them that God was not merely giving this land to them, because God felt like it, or because it seemed like a good thing to do at the time, but God was doing it because God had promised their ancestors that someday their children would be given this land and God does not go back on promises.
Like the ring, the passage not only speaks about the past, but it speaks of the present.  It is fine and good that God promised to give this land to these people’s ancestors, but God required the people who stood to receive; the people there on this day, that they were to love the Lord their God with all their hearts, with all their souls and with all their might.  They were there because of their ancestors but they could not stand on the faith of their ancestors without making it their own. There was a stipulation to the promise; two halves.  God had said I will be your God and you will be my people.  I will give you this land and you will worship and obey me all the days of your lives.  It was a pretty fair trade and needed to be made over again with this new generation.
God expected these people to be in relationship God, to walk in righteousness before God, just as their ancestors, to whom God had made the promise, had done.  God did not require anything new or special of them, which was not required of the generations who gone before them.  God merely wanted them to love God with their whole beings, with all their heart, with all their souls and will all their might; simply to love the Lord with all they were.  Not much to ask for, considering, God promised to love them back; to guide them and take care of them.  Obedience is a fair trade to have the God who created the whole universe on your side, loving you and looking out for you.  Not a bad deal considering land for each and every one of them to build homes and raise their families on was included as well.
As they stood on the edge of the promise land God spoke to them about the past, the present and the future.  God told them, they were to obey God’s command to love, but not only did God want their love, but God wanted their children and their children’s children love as well.  God did not just want to make promises with living people, God wanted the living to pass this promise down to their children, just as the promise had been passed down to them.
God does not passively wish their children and their children’s children will fear the Lord and continue to live up to the promises that were made, but God tells them what they need to do to be sure this promise and the command that goes along with it, is transferred to each new generation.
God tells them they are to immerse their lives and the lives of their children in this command to love God.  They are to first of all tell their children about it.  They are to recite it to them.  It is to be so well known to them that they have it memorized and they can recite it to their children from memory in hope that their children will also commit it to memory.  But not only are they to recite it and encourage their children to also commit it to memory, but they are to talk about it.  They are to talk about it when they are at home, when they are away from home, when they get ready for bed and when they get up in the morning.  The command to love God should be such a part of their lives that it is incorporated into every part of their life.  There should be no part of their lives that is not touched by this command.  It is to surround everything they do and become a part of every day life.  It is not something that should only be talked about when they go to the temple or only when they are in trouble and need God, but it is to be talked about at all time, in everything they do and in this way become a part of every aspect of their lives. 
Their homes are to be so filled with the love of God that it is as if it is nailed to the doors of their house, so they litter did this to remind them of this fact. It is to be so much apart of what they think that they are to bind the command to their forehead.  It is to be so much a part of what they do and their actions that they are to bind them to their hand.  The love of God is to totally encompass every part of their lives.  In this way they can teach their children about God and God’s command to love, and thus ensuring that this promise which was passed down to them from their father’s and their father’s fathers, will be passed down to their children and their children’s children.
Like the ring my father gave to my mother which spoke of their love of the past, their love of the present, and their future love, God speaks to the people of Israel as they are getting ready to enter the holy land, about the past, the present and the future as well.  They are to remember they are where they are today because of their ancestors who came before them and the promises God made with them and the promises they made with God.  They are to be concerned with the present by loving the Lord in the way God commanded them to.  Last but not least they are to look to the future by so filling their lives with the teachings of the Lord and his command for them to love God, they will be teaching their children in all they do and all they say to do the same, so their children and their children’s children will also love and obey God, ensuring the promise be preserved.
We are like the Israelites we are looking into the future and what has promised for us and we also need to heed the words God spoke to the Israelites as they stood looking into the promise land and what God had in store for them.
We stand in the middle between the past and the future.  We are to look to the past and learn from and build on the faith of all the Christians who have gone before us.  Their lives are testimonies to us about how we are to live our lives, and their words are words of wisdom which teach us how to live our lives loving God the way that God has called us to live them.  They might not always have done things we approve or of we are proud, but we are in good company, as the Israelites looked back at those who had gone before them, the lives of those who had gone before them had not always been expletory.  After all look at Abraham and his habit of lying about Sarah being his wife (a habit he unfortunately passed down to Isaac), or a Jacob and how dishonest he was with almost everyone which whom he dealt.  We are to still look to those who have gone before us, drawing from their triumphs and learning from their failures, and also rest assured in the fact that if God used those rascally people in the past God surely can and will us today. 
We like the Israelites are not to only look to the past but we are to look to the future, because we are the saints of the future, we should be sure our lives are lives that will teach the next generation what it means to love the Lord with our whole beings and to obey God all the days of our lives, so our children and our children’s children will love the Lord.  Just as the saint of the past have passed their faith down to us, teaching us and showing us how to love the Lord, we also are to teach the love of God in all we say and all we do, so that the Christians of the generations to come can look to us and learn to love God the way we have.
We are always standing in the middle owing where we are and who we are in Christ to the lives of so many who have gone on before us, while at the same time knowing those who come after us will also owe their Christian walks and their faith to us who will have gone before them.  All saints day is a day to remember we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and helped show us how to love the Lord and it also reminds us of our responsibility to those who come after us.  We follow the lights of the Christians that have gone before us and helped show us the way and we are to look to those who come behind us and show them the way in everything we do and everything we say.

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