Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Origin Stories: Being the People of God - Exodus 19:3-7

We made our way from the beginning of Genesis, which began by telling us that in the beginning there was God and it was God who created all things and not only declared that all creation was good but was the one who loving created humanity and created us not only good, as all other creation was created but in shaping and forming humanity created us in God’s own image filling us with the God’s own breath, the breath of life breathed into us giving us life. From the beginning humanity was God’s own precious creation. From the earliest days when God walked with the first man and the first women at the close of the day God was always reaching out to humans desiring to be in relation with us and when we broke the bonds of that relationship, God continue to reach out to humanity, working to mend what was broken. 
As we have made our way through these origin stories of our faith, we have learned a lot about who God is and how God interacts not only with all of creation and specifically with humans. As we move into Exodus the stories continue to tell us about God and more and more tell us about all the ways God reaches out to humanity, drawing us back into relationship with
God’s self, always bending toward us, always moving in favor of humanity, always lovingly doing what needs to be done to redeem all that has been broken.
Here God has literally rescued the Hebrew people out of slavery. After working through Joseph to provide food for the nation during a time of famine the descendants of Abraham remained in Egypt until all those who lived there forgot why these Hebrew people lived among them and took then as their slaves.
As slaves they cried out in their pain, in their sorrow and in their misery and God heard them and sent Moses to them to speak to Pharaoh on their behalf to negotiate their release. But when negotiation did not work, God resorted to force. God brought plague after plague after plague upon the Egyptian people until finally enough was enough and Pharaoh agreed to allow all the Hebrew people to go.
And so God has brought them up out of the land of Egypt, across the sea on dry land burying the pursuing Egyptian army in its water depths and has now brought them safely to Mount Sinai. Leading them, guiding them and providing for them all along the way.
And now God wants to be in covenant relationship with these people. God desires to renew the covenants made with their ancestors, with Abraham and with Isaac and with Jacob. God desires for a relationship of mutual love and respect. God will be their God and they will be God’s chosen people.
All healthy relationships have boundaries and stipulations that form the relationship. In most friendships these are mostly unspoken. But there are things that hold friendships together and there are circumstances under which a friendship will ultimately dissolve. Marriages, being covenants like the one God is forming with the Hebrew people here have boundaries and stipulations that are little more formalized  and are agreed upon by both parties It is here on the mountain where God lays out the boundaries and stipulations for the relationship God desires to have with the descendants of Abraham from this point forward.
Covenants are like other relationships. They are two sided they have conditions; they are built up on mutual respect and mutual care.
§     Friendship
·               There for each other
·               Listen
·               Support
·               Comfort
·               Do not betray
§     Marriage
·               No others - exclusivity
·               You respect each other
·               Live in community together
§     Covenant Relationship with God has conditions
The covenant made here on the mountain outside of Egypt is not just a covenant made with some people long dead who stood at the foot of some mountain most of have never been to nor will ever have the opportunity to even visit. This is a covenant that is essentially made for all people at in all times. The covenant made with the Hebrew people, the Israelites is the covenant that has been renewed and extended to everyone who desires to be in relationship with God.  The heart of the covenant relationship made with these people here on this mountain is the same relationship that God desires to have with us today, as followers of Christ. It is just as much our covenant as it is theirs. So let us lean in close and see what it is that God asks of these people, listen closely and hear who it is God is calling us to be.
When we think of the beginnings of the covenant relationship between the Hebrew people, the Israelites and God our minds go directly to the Ten Commandments but in reality that is part of the explanation of the covenant, an expansion upon the basic boundaries and stipulations of the covenant. At its heart the covenant is simple. It is made up of four parts. The foundation, what the people have seen an experienced of God. What they know about who God is and what God’s character is like. It is based upon what they have seen and what they have heard. What they already know and have experienced about God.
This foundation, upon which the relationship between God and the people, will be built upon their witness to, and experience of the Exodus. God begins by reminding them of all that God has done for them, “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself” (Exodus 19:4).
o       God heard the people’s cries when they were in slavery
·      Prepared Moses
·      Sent Moses
·      Gave Moses the words to say and the ability to show Egypt who sent them and the power of God
o       God hears your cries of distress.
·      God sees our hurt
·      God sees our pain
·      God knows exactly where we are and what is going on  in our lives
·      Even when we feel alone; even when it seems we are abandoned by God , God is still there working on our behalf
o       Even before you knew God was at work God was at work
o       God led the people to the mountain – was a pillar fire at night and a cloud during the day – leading and guiding – going before and coming behind to assure their safety and their protection.
§     Like the first and last person in a caving group God is the lead at the front taking us where we need to go
§     God takes up the rear making sure that everyone is doing fine, there are no stragglers and no one gets lost.
o       God sustained them, providing them with manna and with quail, with fresh water when they needed it as well as guidance and protection
o       God has brought you to this place – where ever you are; whatever is going on, God has brought you hear.
o       Brought you through all the hardships and walked with you through all your struggles
o       You are here because God has guided you, protected you and sustained  you
o       All that has sustained and saved you to allow you to come thus far is God carrying you on “eagles’ wings” God guiding and directing, shielding and protecting you
o       God’s grace going before (prevenient grace) – even before you knew who God was or that God was at work on your behalf.
The exodus is the foundation, but this is not a one sided relationship where God works on behalf and of the people and they experience the benefits of God’s love and devotion, but God asks for them to respond in kind. They are asked to love and obey God to respond to God’s generosity with faithfulness, and love, “...obey my voice and keep my covenant…” (Exodus 19:5)
o       Now that you know the One who has created you, sustained you, guided you, protected you
o       Live in ways that give honor to God (the 10 commandments – Love God. . .)
o       Listen to the Voice of God, allow God to speak into your life, to call you to new places, lead you to the land of milk and honey (not guaranteed to be an easy journey but God will be with you going before you and coming behind you)
o       God calls for us to live lives that reflect the character of God
o       Loving God and Loving each other – the heart of the ten commandments
o       Living lives that reflect the holy character of God – be holy as I am holy
o       Living out holy love toward others
This is the two sided relationship. God require the people to live and act in certain ways but God also promises to also to do certain things in this relationship. Although the covenant is built upon a foundation of the things God has done thus far on behalf of the people, that is not the end of God’s actions on behalf of the people. God agrees to continue to work on behalf of the people. As a part of this covenant relationship God is forming with these people God makes a promise for future actions saying, “you shall be my treasured possession out of all the peoples …”(Exodus 19:5)
o       You will be my people and I will be your God
o       God promises to continue to love, protect, guide and sustain the people
o       Not only throughout the journey but even once they get to the promise land
o       God love you, treasures you.
o       God will work on our behalf, drawing
o       If you obey, if you listen, if you live, the relationship between God and you will be a relationship of mutual love
This brings us to the final movement of the covenant the calling. As a part of the relationship God has with the people of God tacks on a calling something God desires for the people to live into. It is ultimately the reason for the covenant. God’s purpose in forming this covenant is because God loves all of humanity, not just the Hebrew people and God ultimately desires for all whom God’s loves to be included in this covenant. God calls for the people to be ambassadors drawing all the peoples of the world into relationship with God and so God says, “You shall be for me a priestly kingdom and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:6).
o       And God then calls them to go.
o       To lead others into this relationship.
o       To bring all the earth back to God
o       Invite others to join the journey.

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