Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Church United - Ephesians 1:1-14

    Ephesians 1:3-14
Ephesians begins with blessing the God who blesses. Giving back to God what God gives to us. God giving us what we give God in return. A circle of blessing; a circle which keeps on rolling, keeps on giving and moves us forward, always going round and round, never stopping always revolving. In this passage, this circle seems to be at the heart of Paul’s understanding of adoption, redemption, and salvation, for all these things are done for the purpose of praising the God of glory. All these gifts are freely given so we may live lives of praise, lives of blessing and being blessed. The image presented in this passage, is one in which we are continually moving, constantly living the praise. Breathing, moving, acting out the blessing always in motion toward God as God is always in motion toward us. God blessing us, us blessing God, living, breathing praise; cycling around and around, no beginning, no end. Not just singing praise, not just being receptacles of blessing but moving in it, living it, allowing it to affect our words, our actions, our interactions; allowing our praise of the God of glory to infiltrate every part of our very being so that it completely alters how we live our lives as we then give it back to God.
The God whom we bless, the God who blesses us, is the God who chose us. Chose US, not merely you and me. It is our tendency to read Paul as if he is talking specifically to individuals but he is primarily speaking to a church as a unit, in passages such as this he is speaking to all of us together, to us as the Church. God chose the existence of the Church, God chose the people of God. When Paul speaks of being chosen before the foundation of the world, Paul is speaking of the Church. God did not specifically chose the who’s the individuals before the foundation of the world but God chose the Church, the body, the Community of Christ. God did not specifically choose you and me before the dawn of time but he chose US (truly is it God’s choice that all accept that all are a apart of the Church but many choose differently). He chose for there to be a people of God. God chose to be in relationship with humanity. God chose the Church to gather. God chose for the body to live.
And what did God chose for us? To what are we chosen? We are chosen to be in Christ, to be the Body, to be the Church. The church is chosen to BE in Christ and as that which resides in Christ, as that which is the make up of Christ; we are to be holy and blameless before God in love. Holy and blameless not merely in actions but in love, the greatest commandment given by God being for us to love God with every part of who we are and to love our neighbors as well. The church is called to be holy and blameless. Together we are to be Christ, together we are to reflect Christ and his dieing love to our community and our world and that reflection should be as clean, as new, as pure and as holy as the one whom we reflect.
As those who are set aside, destined, chosen to be the body in Christ, we are children, adopted, loved, accepted, brought into to the inner circle. We have been brought in freely, not because of anything we as individuals did to gain acceptance but because by believing, and accepting the truth of Christ we become apart of a great whole which is in turn accepted and adopted. We have become the family we have become those chosen for the blessing of God and to be blessed by God. We are the Community who praises.
Those who are redeemed, those accept the truth of the Word, who is Christ, who are believers in the gospel and receivers of salvation are those who are apart of the chosen, accepted and adopted. We believe and are accepted; we accept the truth and are redeemed; we receive the gospel and become a part of the Community. We are in Christ; we are the body; we are the family.
We are adopted and accepted and as a part of the family we are receivers of the inheritance. When we think of an inheritance from God, this probably makes most us think of immediately of Heaven, that place out there to which we will go some day. This idea of and an inheritance makes us think of eternal life, or the life here-after, the life beyond the grave. But the inheritance spoken of here is NOT heaven. When we start to think of an inheritance as something that we get when we die, we really have the concept of what an inheritance is all backwards. We don’t receive an inheritance when we die, we receive and inheritance when someone else dies. Our inheritance as children of God, is contingent not upon our dieing but upon Christ dieing.
The inheritance spoken of here is bigger and better than Heaven. It is the word of truth, the gospel of salvation, it is Jesus Christ himself. Our inheritance is the truth. Our inheritance is the gift of grace of which Paul speaks. Our inheritance is exactly that which we accepted which brought us into and made us a part of the body; our inheritance is that which drew us into the family in the first place. We were outside of the family. God offered us the inheritance, the gift of grace the truth of the gospel. God showed us Christ in his life, death and resurrection. We accepted the truth, we took the gift, we believed in Christ. We received the inheritance. That which brings us into the family, that which allows us to be adopted is the inheritance we receive as children.
The glorious thing about this inheritance is that this inheritance is not something which is suppose to be merely received, saved for ourselves and horded away in a bank vault somewhere. When the inheritance is given it is to be received and shared, passed around and passed down. We receive the truth and are to in turn pass the truth on. We accept the gospel and in turn are to share the gospel with others, so they too might received OUR inheritance so they too might be apart of the chosen, the destined, apart of the family, the body, the community. So that We, not merely me, are apart of all which is gathered unto God.
And that brings us full circle, back to the circle. We are gathered, are apart of the family, apart of the inheritors so we may be God’s people praising God, living lives praising God. Who are we; we are the people of God, chosen. Who are we? We are the community of God set aside for God’s good pleasure. Who are we? We are the body of Christ pure, blameless and holy. Who are we? We are children, a part of the family who are receivers of the inheritance, who is Christ, sharing the inheritance, spreading the truth, giving to others the gift we have been given. Who are we? We are the Church. Adopted to bless and be blessed; adopted to share our inheritance; adopted to praise and live lives of praise.
Now I begin to think what does it mean to live lives of praise? What does it look like when you and I live out this circle of blessing and praise? As we move through our days, as we go to work, manage the kids, clean our houses, go to the grocery store. The circle of perpetual motion is a beautiful mental picture but as we go out from here at the end of the service what do we do with that image. How are our lives any different when living THIS way as opposed to the myriad of other ways which each of us may choose to live our lives?
It begins with the choice. It begins with our choice to believe; our choice to be apart of the family, our choice to accept the truth of the Gospel. We can not live in this way unless we have accepted the gift of grace. We are not in Christ, we are not adopted, redeemed, gathered in, unless we have first moved toward God in response to the move God makes toward each and every one of us. We first must see ourselves as having accepted Christ, having accepted the truth of the resurrected Savior; see ourselves as in the family, a part of the body, a participant in the chosen community, a member of the Church.
In essence the “rules of the club” only apply to those who are in the club. If we are not IN the community and apart of the family it is simply and utter impossible, to live the holy, blameless life those who are in Christ are called to live. As a side note it is therefore unreasonable and unfair to expect this kind of lifestyle, expect any kind of holiness, or righteous living, to expect a reflection of the likeness of Christ, of anyone outside of the chosen community, anyone who has not yet chosen to be apart of the family, of anyone outside the Church. But within the community, as a part of the body, when we are IN Christ, we are holy and blameless before our God, redeemed, brought into the family, adopted so that we might live lives of praise, of holiness and blessing.
Those of us who have chosen the Community, those of us who have chosen the gift, chosen to accept our adoption and are apart of the family are so focused on the glory of the Father, so thankful for the gift of the inclusion, that we look only to God. Seek only God. Love God first. Love our neighbors habitually. We rejoice in God’s choosing. We celebrate the gift. Our lives are so focused on the glorious, amazing wonderful thing, which has been done for us, that all we are and all we do reflects the Father to whom we are thankful, reflect the Son in whom we believe and reflect the motivations of the Spirit which flows through and lives in us all. And we live lives centered on praise and live lives which reflect the very character of the God whom we praise.
But not only are we living lives of praise but we are living lives which are blessed. Blessed with the glorious inheritance of the gospel, in which we believe. That which we believe, is the blessing which is given to us, and that which is given to us, we must give away. As children we gain this inheritance and we are to share it, we are to pass it on. Our gospel inheritance compels us to move beyond the family, beyond the body, beyond the community, widen the circle, reach out and draw others in. Share the gift we have been given, so that others might also believe, so that others might participate in our adoption, so that others may belong to the Community, be apart of the body. So THEY might be US.

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