Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Manna for Today: Psalm 46

Psalm 46:1-11

Key Verses:46:1,11

“God is our refuge and strength, a help always near in times of great trouble. The Lord of heavenly force is with us! The God of Jacob is our place of safety.” CEB

“The oceans rise, empires fall,” the our God is with us in and through it all. No matter what is going on, no matter how difficult, no matter how horrible, whether it be struggles in our own lives or events which have effects all around the world, God is there. When we are struggling, when we are hurting when it all seems too much to handle, or threatens to completely overwhelm us, we are able to make it through because God lends us God’s own strength to help us through. God is there. God’s force and God’s power is with us. We are not on own, relying on our own resources but instead we are able to rely on God’s resources. There is no need for us to create or seek out security of our own making, God is our place of safety. God is our shelter, our home, our protection. God is able to handle even that which seems to be unhandleable. God tames the untamable and surmounts the unsurmountable. In all things we can trust and rely on God.


Thing to Think on

Is there anything in your life which seems to big for you to handle?

Are you overwhelmed by the events going on around you?

Does it give you any comfort to know you do not need to handle the hardships in your life using your own strength or your own power, but instead are able to rely on the strength and power of God to be yours?


A Prayer for Today

Right now things are hard. Lord God I am struggling. The events in my life and the world around me are too big for me. I do not see how there can be anything positive coming out of all this. I am hurting too badly. People around me are struggling too much. There is so much pain, so much anger, so much hurt, so much injustice. Lord, help me to realize, I do not need to face any of this in my own strength or my own power. Help me to instead rely on you, allow you to lend me your strength, allow you to give me your power. It is because you are with me, because you are my safety and my security that I will make it through, that any of us ever make it through. Help me to rely on you, to lean on you, knowing your power is the power which will bring goodness and justice and ultimately redemption to all things. Amen

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