Monday, August 5, 2019

A New Idea . . . Changing what I do here.

For several years now I have used this blog as a place to post my Sunday Morning Sermons. Now that my congregation posts videos of my sermons on its Facebook page, it seems redundant to post my written sermons here. So I have been wondering whether I should keep doing that or perhaps try something new. I have decided to try something new and see how it goes.
Recently someone asked me about the steps I go through to bring a sermon to the pulpit each week. Most ministers were taught Biblical hermeneutics during the course of their theological and Biblical training. Most were also given a preaching course and perhaps a public speaking course. These classes were paired with classes on Biblical interpretation, practical and theological training. At the beginning of our lives in ministry we drew from all these thread of learning to inform who we were becoming in the pulpit.
As we move through our careers and through the different seasons of our ministry how we come to the pulpit each week grows and shapes and transforms over time. How we come to the sermons we preach on Sunday mornings is a different as the people who step into the pulpit, but it is always interesting to see and learn from the process of other ministers.
I am calling it the “Evolution of a Sermon” I am going to start a post and add on it each day, walking through the passage, my thoughts, my insights and the things I have learned from reading commentaries, what others who post online are saying, and listening to podcasts. At the end of each week I will have the sermon that comes to the pulpit and you, my readers will have seen a little bit of what has gone on behind the curtain and the path down which I have walked to bring me there.

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